Chapter 6

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They have arrived.

At exactly 10:36 am Earth time, they have breached the exosphere of the planet, for now they are preparing the final adjustments needed for landing plus preparing their equipment incase of adverse effects on their persons due to decades- no centurues in space. For an external viewer that may be looking at the sky from the surface of the planet at the very moment they might catch sight of a blurry black dot in the sky, a simple speck that maybe be mistaken for a nevermore passing above them. But of course the inhabitants are wrong for assuming that the dot was a creature of Grimm but they may be right about the fact that it may be dangerous considering the passengers present within the large aircraft lovingly called FortPootis.

The inhabitants of the ship of course did not know of the slight alarm their presence may have caused upon the residence of the planet too caught up with their own preparations after finishing their adjustments on the ship itself, but one thing to note was Engineer and Medic has successfully launched and stabilized their little creation respectively called SL-001 or as Pyro likes to call it SHINY. Either way it is in the process of serving it's purpose of mapping out the planets landmass and geography. Also the moon is apparently has atleast less than a half of it shattered with large chunks of the shattered peice still present to this day -the mercs got a kick out of that 'fun' little detail even with the knowledge of the implications of what may have caused the destruction of the large floating white rock they still found it amusingly interesting nonetheless-.

Anyways with SHINY deployed the mercs have managed to map out the best place in which they could land, preferably a place where no one is present so they may settle in much more efficiently and not be caught by the inhabitants of the planet. Who knows what these people have that can pack a punch considering that the mercs have no knowledge nor information about the planet and it's inhabitants trudging in safely will do be the safer option.

Besides all the technicals the ship was ready for landing and so was the residence of the ship. Merasmus holding his end of the deal by collaborating with the mercs is tasked with going down to the planet and making sure the spot they have designated for landing is not occupied, of course you may ask who was gonna accompany him and where is said designated landing? The answer to that question my dear friend is that Hunter will be accompanying the century old wizard and the designated landing area is somewhere in the middle of this place that they will soon know as the continent of Sanus.

Of course this decision is well thought of by the more sane and smarter of the group, that's an obvious. Merasmus has prepared his teleporting spell or whatever the fuck he called it, not wanting to have any difficulties in this small mission as he says, both wizard and Mann. Co operator now stood in the lobby along with a few of the others now scrutinizing all the possibilities and outcomes that may happen. And of course knowing the mercs their predictions range from absurd ideas such as fairies and superpowers - though close none of the mercs could've ever predicted this small and honestly idiotic prediction made by scout to be true- to predictions that are most likely the case such as man eating plants and unfamiliar fauna. After a few fights breaking out, a few more shouting matches, a few annoyed grumbles and obvious questions of why they are included mainly a particular lead poisoned man (Soldier) they concluded that besides the few facts Engineer and Medic found about the planet they knew nothing else about it.

And of course to solve the problem of where it is best to land the ship they decided that right after Merasmus and Hunter got there via magical spell they will air drop a satellite disk-thing that Engineer assures that will infact send signals to technically mark the place where they will land. Of course Merasmus and Hunter are tasked with taking the disk satellite thing and placing it in the best place they may find that can have a ship as large as FortPootis land on it.

So now we see Merasmus and the designated 'Grandpa' of the group standing in the middle of the forest located somewhere in the middle of the continent of Sanus. But through all these ramblings you may ask, why there? But the resources they may acquire there are just too good of a risk to pass up, a place near an area similar to the Badlands just feels comforting after the destruction of their home planet making it uninhabitable for man.

Hunter:"Merasmus how far are we?"
Merasmus:"Not that far from what I can tell, just a kilometer or so to the east"

Merasmus informed squinting at the compass he held in his palm, despite the old time wizard theme he has going on he atleast decided that grabbing a few of those dust powered weapons they made a few centuries ago would be a great idea considering the unfamiliar fauna they are faced with. The one he picked looked particularly out of time with his clothing which mainly consisted of a long black robe and a ram skull on his head, though he made it work by adding a few bone accessories on it just for the heck of it. Enough about Merasmus' choice of weapons and clothes we have to focus on the new damned planet before them.

Both merc and wizard began following their respective compass' to the east, weapons drawn incase of any danger. Looking around both Hunter and Merasmus could not help but feel nostalgic at seeing the familiar yet unfamiliar plants around them, so used to seeing the plants all raised in a lab or just simply potted at the corner of a room for centuries. The gentle feeling of the sun beating down on them and the feeling of the grass beneath their feet, not to mention the light of a passing butterfly made Merasmus' eyes linger on the small creature. It's wings with the color of a soft butter yellow is pleasing to the eye he concludes.

Though their nostalgic trance was broken by a growl behind them, similar to that of a wolf as they concluded. Both turned around and pointed their weapons towards the noise turning off the safety with a swift click. Silence be fell the duo as their breathing stilled in anticipation of the potential danger that may come. What could have caused that growl that's oh so similar to the one made by the creature's of their own home planet?

There's chapter 6, a little short but my writing atleast got decent I guess

1172 words

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