Y/n's POV
'*sigh* another day at school i guess' i thought to my self as i ready my self for school, i wore my f/c hoodie, a blue shirt under it, (light/dark) jeans and some black and white sneakers. i don't really like wearing skirt or dresses it makes me feel... uncomfortable
I walked down stairs to see Mabel,Tad,Dipper and Bill outside the shack waiting for me near our ride.i gave them a little wave with a smile on my face and they all waved and smiled back at me...once i got to them Bill and Dipper rushed to open the door for me....they also battled each other just to open the door for me how sweet! this is why i love them
"dude...no need to open the door for me" I told them
"no our princess~ we're your royal guards its our duty to do this" Bill said in an....Australian accent? i dun nu
"whutttt? i did not agreed to this" I told them
"Too late~ we are your guards....this day" Dipper said as he bowed...somethings fishy here..its not Magikarp fishy....its Mabel fishy
"ok.....who made you two do this?" i asked raising an eye brow at them
"The girl that starts with an M and ends with and able" Bill said with a snicker at the last part.. i knew it
but instead of doing anything i just shrugged it off and said 'ok' and entered the car as Bill and Dipper followed and Mabel and Tad sat behind us holding hand...awwwwww so cute...what could be a perfect ship name for the both of them? Matad? Table? nahhh Table is a thing....butttttttt their a thing so their a table! hehehe your a genius y/n, thanks y/n...ok stop talking to your self mentally y/n!
i was snapped out of my thoughts to hear screaming
"Y/N!" Bill and Dipper yelled at the same time
"Woah! yeah what?" i asked
"You were making faces at the air the whole time.me and Dipper screaming your name 100 times already....what are you thinking?" Bill asked
"I was thinking about me being awesome as i wanna be!" I answered cheerfully
"No seriously" Dipper said
"I was thinking about people say.....about the ship-" I was cut off by Bill
"Don't you dare finish that sentence" Bill said
"No! i was saying Table...the ship table!" I corrected him pfft! what was he thinking to think that i was thinking about the ship Billdip/Bipper? whatever!
"oh......i uhhh.....HEY! a ladybug!" Bill exclaimed trying to change the subject but failed terribly
"hahaha thats not a ladybug....thats a...oh" I realized what he's talking about.... a LADY in a BUG costume real clever Bill
"hey Bill she said your clever" Tad said snickering
"What?I didn't heard anything" Bill said looking at me confuced
"She said it in her mind~~~" Tad said making air quotes and Dipper just sat there crossing his arms and huffing so cute~
"And Dipper She thought you look cute" Tad said snickering once more
"Staph reading my mind woman!" I yelled doing my best Pewdiepie as Tad and Mabel high fived each other and Bill and Dipper stiff and silent...i wonder over yonder whats going on in their minds right naw ... maybe thinking why would i think of them randomly heh....
i took out my phone and put my earphones on as i played Numb by linkin park, hey its a catchy song....and looked out of the window enjoying the view of Gravity Falls
As we got to school we all went to our first class since we all got the same schedule. as we got to our classroom and took our separate ways to our seats...as i got to my seat i put my bag down and sat down and waited for the bell to ring
While waiting...ugh here comes Cleelan..i rolled my eyes at annoyance as he approached me
"Hey Y/n, you look beautiful as always~" He flirted
"Ugh, what do ya want?" I asked obviously annoyed from his flirting non sense
"Oh nothing~ wanna go to my place after school and make some....you know noise?" He asked oh heil nah!
"GUARDS!" I yelled randomly
"Ohohoh there's no guards in this school" Cleelan said
"Spoke too soon dude,spoke to soon" A voice behind Cleelan said as he turned around to see a Bill and Dipper clunching their fist,smirking evilly and has a dark aura surrounds them that made Cleelan scared i smirked
'i think this day is getting better and better' i thought
"Touch Our girl Cleelan and you'll see what we're gonna do" Bill said in an evil tone
"Or what? -touches y/n's arm- what are ya gonna do huh? Break my arms?" Cleelan asked not showing any signs of fear
and let me tell you guys...after he touched my hand.....lets just say...he misses his right hand.....but Dipper and Bill did not took his arm off they just....broke it (That's what he said!)
and let me add that Tad and Mabel got all of that on tape~ thats a memory to keep~
Filipino subject is sooo boring! ma'am Lolitap is making us answer hard questions so just took out my phone and played minecraft secretly like my seatmates (Yep i do that xD ) good thing i know how to hide my phone from teachers~ or else my phone is now capture TT^TT
ok.....just bare with me people xD Filipino subject in America yup! XD
i was enjoying my game until ma'am danger called me to answer a question ughhh i stood up and readied my self for a hard question
finally after everything we had encountered DISMISSAL!
as me,Dipper,Bill,Mabel and Tad got out of the school building we saw no sign of the stlymbl anywhere..so we decided to walk home
on the way home we heard so rusling from the bushes we thought it was just a human size ant
and continued walking....
a few minutes later i was tackled to the ground by some kind of thing...naked,white glowing eyes,very sharp claws, and its very very very thin...and then it hit me
"AHHH!!!ITS THE RAKE!!! AND ITS GONNA KILL ME!!!" I yelled as i squirm from its grip and he just chuckles but stopped until a hame hame wave attacked him and pushed it off me
While i got the chance to run i went behind my two knights in shinning armor
The Rake growls at us and went back to his portal to Zalgo's Under realm
"Woah! Y/n!! Are you ok? Are you hurt???" Dipper asked
"Uh....yeah..just got this little scrach from the rock" I ressured them as they sighed in relief
And then I hugged Dipper and Bill
"You two are my knights in shinning armor" I told them still hugging and then they both hugged my back and they both said at the same time
"And you are our princess"

A New Beginning Bill x reader x Dipper [Sequel]
FanfictionOk my amazing people~ this is the sequel to 'A summer in Gravity Falls' so....if you haven't read it yet....Read it now so you wouldn't be confused ____•______•______•_______•___ Its Been 3 months since Y/n left Gravity falls....Its been 3 months si...