After Tad's Story. The bell rings and people in school died (that escalated quickly xD)...not literal though...they died cause....yeah this is school what we're talking about but i did not say that everyone died some were really excited for school.
"Well the ring had belled, lets get to class" Dipper suggested
"Sure!! But...we need the quickest way right Mabel?" Y/n asked with a goofy smile
"YUP!!" Mabel said as the two started singing as they rode a wagon
"WHO'S YOUR FRIEND WHO LIKES TO PLAY? BING BONG BING BONG! THE ROCKET MAKES YOU SCREAM HORRAY---" and they were cut of but Bill,Dipper and Tad pulled them away from the wagon
Later at the can see that the teacher is not yet in the classroom so....
There are some who are singing really loud;
Some dancing;
Some are talking about non-serious topics;
Some using their phones(texting,taking selfies,or using the internet);
Some calling each others names;
Some are running around the classroom;
Some are sleeping;
Anddddd of coarse how could we forget about the look out? Nobody forgets about the person who is always screaming 'THE TEACHER IS COMING!'? He/she is the most important person in the classroom ! How will we ever know when to transform?? *cough* ok enough of jokesAfter a minute later, the teacher finally came and seems like he is bringing something in that box
"Ok, good morning class, so me and the other teachers agreed that Today and Tomorrow we will have a movie marathon! That means no lessons in 2 days!!" Sir. Mhel said happily as everyone in the classroom cheered...i mean its a movie marathon in school!
"That is also the reason i brought my flat screen T.V!!" Sir added the other students helped sir set up the t.v, the others chose the movie that they wanna watch and some transfered seats so that they could seat with their best friends...JUST LIKE YOU GUYS DID JUST NOW!! :33
Then someone who you never wanna encounter again came near Y/n,Bill,Dipper,Mabel and Tad
"Sup wh*re~ seems like you are sitting with OUR Bill!" Xyrine said as her friend Zy agreed to her
"Hey! I thought you guys gave up on getting Bill...and..Did you just called me a whore??? Dude! I'm not a Potato!" Y/n scolded the could hear Pewds singing Youtube whore from here ⊙﹏⊙
"Yeahhhhhh that was before but
..We came back for you Bill~" Zy said winking...that makes me wanna barfThey are also wearing really short skirts! I mean what the sex! For all of the skirts they could buy! They bought short skirts!!!
"Pfft who would like girls who wear things like that" Dipper muttered quietly but it was loud enough for the two can hear
"Heard that!! And for your information, tons of guys likes these butts of ours" Xyrine sassed as she shook her butt side to side (ok...i'm dying xD)
"HEY WHATS SO FUNNY?!" Xyrine asked the 4 who are laughing so hard
"N-not sorry!! Y/n said between laughs
"Ok....these weirdos are getting weirder and weirder...we'll come back again Bill~!" And with that they left"Hey wait!!! There's something on your faces!!" Bill called
"Really where?" They both asked at the same time....heh dummies....Bill threw paper at them
"IT WAS PAIN!!" Bill said as Dipper,Y/n,Mabel and Tad gave him a 'wtf' face they could ever muster
"What???? I can't punch a girl!"

A New Beginning Bill x reader x Dipper [Sequel]
FanfictionOk my amazing people~ this is the sequel to 'A summer in Gravity Falls' so....if you haven't read it yet....Read it now so you wouldn't be confused ____•______•______•_______•___ Its Been 3 months since Y/n left Gravity falls....Its been 3 months si...