Warning! There are very many POV changes in this one so watch out xD thats all
Bill's POV
Ok...the imps had gotten way to far...first they destroyed my cane and then they messed with my tail coat and made it pink! Ugh i hate them!!! And now...THEY KIDNAPPED Y/N!! I mean seriously!!! For all they could steal....they stole y/n!
Normal POV
They were walking around the forest in the realm which took thw forever
"Areeee weeee thereee yet??" Mabel asked completely tired and bored
"No....just 70 more kilometers and we'll be there" Bill said and he heard a thud behind as he turned around he saw everyone except him lying on the ground dead tired
"Can we take a break! I think my legs cant take this walking anymore" Dipper said
"Well....we can camp here and we'll continue seaching for her later" Tad said as Bill looked around a little to check if this place is safe...before he said a little 'sure' and fixed the tent that they mysteriously bought along with them
Y/n's POV
'W-where am i?' I asked my self mentally...I woke up in an unfamiliar room, filled with destroyed and scribbled posters on the walls, black goo splattered on the roof and floor! Oh gosh where am i now?????" I attempted to walk but failed a looked at my ankle to see...a chain is tied up onto my ankle..great just great
I looked around the room to see a cake obviosly throwned to the floor! Who could do that to a cake?!....i looked around for more to see if i could find anything thay could help me...but all i see are a can of shaving cream, a green pogo ride,...and....what is that.....A BATHTUB??? a bathtub inside the bedroom...why would a person do thiz?
Mabel's POV
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket...looked at it to see an unknown number
I just clicked on it to read the message
Show Messagelogue
Unknown number decided to talk to MabelIsCute
??:M4b3l,1 kn0w 4 sh0rt cut t0 y0ur fr13nd y/n!
Mabel: how could i trust you? You trolled me once before
??: h3y! Th4t w4s p4st 4nd 0ld m3, th1s 1s pr3s3nt m3 !! Just h34r m3 0ut
Mabel: fine!!!
??: 0k,F1rst.....
After explaining later
Mabel: ok..thanks....and thats alot...
??: y34h, 1 w4s 4ls0 pl4nn1ng 4b0ut 0ur FRIENDSHIP...wh04 th4t w4s h4rd t0 s4y.....s33 y4
End of messagelogue
"Ok.. so...one of the trolls talked to me....and she told me a short cut to where y/n is" I announced still looking down on my phone...woah...i feel a bit off without her...especially Dipper and Bill...i wish we could see her soon
"Really? Where?" Wendy asked
"She said just go straight in the forest, and then when we saw a lake...just jump in and it will take it to where y/n is.." I told them as i looked straight in the forest beside our camping spot
"No Mabel...their trolls! They might be trolling us again and they might be telling us to go to the lake and drown!" Dipper said
"She sounded like she really wanted to help us,Dipper. Its worth to try what she told me" I ressured them

A New Beginning Bill x reader x Dipper [Sequel]
FanficOk my amazing people~ this is the sequel to 'A summer in Gravity Falls' so....if you haven't read it yet....Read it now so you wouldn't be confused ____•______•______•_______•___ Its Been 3 months since Y/n left Gravity falls....Its been 3 months si...