authors note c:

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Hi everyone I know like every fanfic has this kinda note at the start but pls bare with me!! I just wanted to say a few quick things about the plot so you'll better understand what this story will be about

Okay so basically the main character has died 😔🪦 (r.i.p you) and become a goddess!! A LOVE goddess (see see? 🤨) this is kinda explained in the first chapter

She decides to visit a realm and yatayata BUT sawako will be in the story, and kazehaya will like her ONLY AT THE START WHEN YOUR NOT THERE!!! Once you come to the realm and mingle things up a bit KAZEHAYA WILL BEGIN LIKING YOU INSTEAD!!! And Sawako will NOT BE AS ICONIC as she is in the anime/manga. Yes she will still be nice and shy and all that but she won't be as big of a deal (LMAO) cus YOUR THE MC NOW and also SAWAKO DOESNT LIKE KAZEHAYA AS MUCH AS SHE DOES IN THE SHOW, SHE IS FOND OF HIM BUT NOT FULL BLOWN bc I didn't want to break her heart when he likes you instead

ALSO I got inspired for the plot from a L fanfic that I read (don't judge) everything in this plot is from me except the concept of the mc being a goddess, that was inspired by the L fanfic!!!!!! So all credits to them!!!!!!!

Anywayzzzzz hope u enjoy!!

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