Chapter 11.2 - Not as it Seems (Part II)

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Varne approached the bedside, still disbelieving his eyes. Pain stung his chest when Lorn's condition brought to mind an image of a wheat sack with a head used as a target for children's wooden swords.

"W–What is...? Wh–Who?"

Lorn sighed. "Take that chair. I have something important to tell."

Someone knocked the door. Through tear-blurred eyes, Varne saw the physician enter with a tray. He grabbed his collar and pinned him against the wall. The tray fell to the floor, shattering the earthenware pot and glasses.

"Varn! Stop! He's my savior!"

His grip loosened. He knew. An old, frail man like him could not have done anything to his father. Lorn was strong, he had defeated six armed brigands with bare hands, lived by hunting monsters, and was chosen to protect this village.

"Forgive my son," Lorn said as the physician cleaned up the pottery shards. "Please fetch the content of the drawer beside me and give it to my son."

The bedside table drawer held a small mahogany box; the physician handed it to Varne. His fingers trembled so much he struggled to open the latch. Inside, he found only a worthless purple pearl.

"Master physician, may we have a moment alone?"

"Of course." The physician took his tray and left, closing the door behind him.

"That object in your hand is Sky Core."

Varne set the mahogany box back on the table and knelt beside the bed. "Father, who did this?" He wanted to grasp Lorn's hands with both of his, if only his father still had hands.

"I wanted to protect you forever... I'm sorry I couldn't. The organization where I once was... they are called the Inquisitors–"

"They're the ones who did this?" Varne stood up. "I'll kill them!"

"NO! Varn, sit and listen!"

Varne sat down, his breath expanding his chest and shoulders. Only after that did Lorn continue. "They are not the perpetrators, but if someone find out I'm here, the Inquisitors will soon too. Inquisitor is a name you must avoid. They are after you and the Sky Core."

"Then who did it, Father...?"

"That's not important. Listen, you must leave this village. Run and hide. Never mention the Core, me, uncle Dorian, or seek the Inquisitors. Never stand out, avoid drawing attention under any circumstances."

"Who, Father...?"

"If you ever find yourself cornered, offer the Sky Core in exchange for your safety. I don't know why, but that object is precious to them."


"IF I TELL YOU, YOU WILL PURSUE THEM! And the Inquisitors will know, and you will die...."

Lorn's answer made him sit back down. "Father... if you won't name the perpetrator, I will go to the Inquisitors and ask them."

"Varn..., if you go, who will care for me?"

Lorn had just told him to leave and now asked him to stay. Yet, those words still managed to bind him.

"I won't name the perpetrator... because I want it all to end here. This matter... I also played a part in it. Take the Sky Core and the Arcanzite before you leave."

"Then I'll do as you say. But I want you to come with me."

"That's impossible."

"That's my condition, Father."

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