Chapter 14 - Ambush on the Rising Tide

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Eiran was only half asleep in his training room. He had been confined in this room for more than half a month. The Artifica lights surrounding the room cast a yellowish glow that was never extinguished, blurring the distinction between day and night. The scent of moss mixed with freshly applied tar seeped through the wooden plank crevices.

Violet, Jeth, Haran, and his comrades in arms had perished. Somehow he knew – just knew, as if he had witnessed it himself. He also knew that Neuvane must pay for their lost futures.

The rigorous training tested his physical and mental limits. He had no time to think of anything but how to endure the next session. He did not even have time to feel drowsy. The moment he closed his eyes, everything would turn pitch black until a kick or a splash of water awakened him.


His progress was rapid. He had not reached the stage of passive Prana Decima yet, but he was already proficient in controlling Prana flow. He had also absorbed the basics of combat. Still, half a month was not enough time to become a true fighter.

At present, Ira Vith was dropping anchor. He recognized this due to his familiarity with the characteristics of the waves on the coast. And if he had to guess, he would say Ira Vith was anchored at one of the Denois shores.


There were several signs that Ira Vith had crossed the equator. First, he had felt an unseasonable change in weather some time ago. Second, during a celebration, they had thrown crew members who had never crossed the equator into the sea before pulling them back up. This was a Terzionite tradition; he could hear it all from here.

The third sign was the whirlpool phenomenon. This dictated that in the Inner Sea, the closer a ship approached the equator, the less it needed to adjust its sails due to weaker currents in the center compared to the edges. After crossing it, the ship gradually needed to adjust its sails more as they moved towards the edge again. Eiran had overheard the quartermaster's commands to adjust the sails diminishing and then increasing again.


Even without enhanced hearing, laughter from the upper deck reached his ears. The entire ship seemed to be celebrating, perhaps a grand feast before war to boost morale.


That blasted thunking sound again! It came from outside, something tapping against the ship's hull. He had not paid attention before, but now he could not help but wonder.

Fighting against the pain in his body, he rose and approached the hull from where the sound originated. The thunking grew more frequent and intense. He was about to press his ear against the hull when an explosion from outside breached the hull, hurling him across the room along with splinters of wood.

All sorts of clamor flooded in through the gaping hole, like suddenly being struck by bells and drums mere handbreadth from his ears. The clanging of weapons, orders laden with curses, the boatswain's long whistle, and crew members falling overboard – all signified one thing: the Neuvane's fleet was under night ambush.

This was the opportunity Eiran had been waiting for. He had thought many times about escaping when they docked, but only now did the chance arise.

He peered outside; glimmers of water and fire flickered among the silhouettes of ships. The noise and flashes of light initially disoriented him after so long in confinement, but his sense of direction soon returned. The moon was in the waxing crescent phase – no, this was the Southern Hemisphere, it was the waning crescent.

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