⭐️❤️ Cardigan (Shui)💙⭐️

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(This is a Shui story based on the ts song "Cardigan"

The sound of high heels on the cobblestone echoed throughout the dark night. A large blanket laid over the soft sky, little freckles of stars scattered through it. Just two boys, and you lose the one. 

Everything had been perfect. After all the drama and problems between Shu and Lui, the eye cuts, the yelling, the insults, it all finally stopped, and they became each others, they're fate seemed to have been on their side for the first time. And that night when Lui confessed his love with the moon looming over, reflecting off the river, there they stood on that bridge and everything seemed to be set it stone...that was until the new kid arrived

Lui had been going to Beygoma for about about a year now. He had to move out of his old school due to some mortgage problems at home, and got settled into a house neighbored to Shu's. At that time, Shu and Lui were still at the "I can't look at that guy without wanting to rip his throat out phase", but things started adding up. They had almost every class together, got partnered on so many projects, and soon they learned that the other wasn't so bad. That maybe Lui could bare Shu for a bit, and Shu could look at Lui without his scar glowing like the little bitch he can be. That maybe things could be ok...and then ok turned to love. And then the new kid came. 

It was an early Monday morning, mid semester, when the teacher announced the arrival of a new student. Nobody cared much, not until he came in. And my did he catch everyone's attention. Dante Koryu, a cute little boy with energy like no other. He was handsome, Shu couldn't deny that, not his type, but he got worried for Lui, but only for a moment. Dante was much like Valt, loud, energetic, the kind that would give Lui a headache in less than a minute. And Lui hated Valt, so there was no way he'd like this new kid, right? 


Almost like the fate, the invisible string that tied Shu and Lui together, Dante and Lui had it too. Lui and Dante had many classes together, and plenty that Shu wasn't in. They were always partnered, and Lui laughed with him in ways that Shu couldn't, at least not now. He used to be able to, he used to be Lui's only joy, and then this little ray of shit came in and ruined everything. I  seemed the invisible string that tied Shu to Lui had broken, and instead wrapped around Dante. Before Shu knew it, they were fighting over it. 

"He's just a friend!" Lui shouted, turning away from Shu as he set the table.

"That's what you used to say about me" Shu replied. "I see the way you look at him Lui!" 

"Look at him how? As a friend? Because that's all he is!" Lui retaliated.

"Lui!" "Shu sighed, turning the fire on the stove down. "Do you love him?" 


"Are you sure?" 

"Yes! Yes, Shu, I am sure! But I'm starting to question my love for you! This jealousy and overprotectiveness, I'm not a fan of it," Lui grumbled, continuing to set the table, but a plate slipped out his hands and smashed against the floor. 

"What did you just say?" Shu asked sternly, biting his tongue dry as he choked back his tears.

"Did I stutter?" Lui hissed.

"Out" Shu said, turning back to the stove.

"What?" Lui asked. 

"Did I stutter? I said out!" Shu sniffled, biting back his tears the best he could, his hands clenched against the handle of the pan. 

"Fine" Lui said, nodding his head and kicking the broken plate. Lui stomped out of the room, grabbing his bag, and slammed it shut. Shu sat there alone, on the floor, the plate smashed next to him as he threw the food in the garbage. Tears began to trail down his cheek as he sobbed. 

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