Taco's Redemption Arc

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I originally had this before ii15 came out so I didn't even know she was gonna get redeemed

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I originally had this before ii15 came out so I didn't even know she was gonna get redeemed

Anyway I wanted to write like an essay but I'm bad at essays so basically I'm just gonna yap. I'm gonna write this how I originally had it

Why I think Taco will get redeemed purely because of parallels

I think Taco parallels Knife and Balloon, and here's why

Starting with Knife. Knife was a bully in season 1. While Taco was no bully she still hurt people at the end of s1. Now Knife is quickly forgiven? I guess, I mean we don't really see that on screen but it's assumed because he was let into the hotel. Being let into the hotel seems to be the sign that this character has been forgiven, at least enough. Anyway Knife changes in season 2 from his brute self to a more helpful person (still a snarky bastard but what can ya do) while Taco changes from her s1 persona into who she is now. Knife obviously parallels her right? So if he was forgiven don't you think it's inevitable that Taco will be too?

Ok now on to Balloon. Now Balloon, similar too Knife, was a bully in s1. Well more of just an asshole, but he was kinda a bully to Taco? (If I remember correctly) Anyway we know he didn't fully get redeemed in s2 because he wasn't let into the hotel at first. But after the show and after s3, he s! He's officially redeemed.

Now Balloon and Knife have in common, they both we're bad in s1, changed in s2, and later (if not already) redeemed/forgiven. And Taco shares this aswell. Bad at the end of s1, changed in s2, and later redeemed.

Ok now that ii15 had come out this kinda just seems like pointing out the obvious but whatever

If anyone has anymore points on how they parallel eachother I would love to hear :D

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