Protectors of the Blood

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((Okay, so here it goes. I am a struggling and aspiring writer. There’s nothing more that I love to do more than read and write. I have written seven books at this point, though all of them remain unpublished because I have felt they simply weren’t good enough. However, with this book I am pushing the limits of my writing to hopefully have my first real shot at getting a book published.

I appreciate all feedback, all criticism, negative and positive. And while I realize that stories on werewolves and vampires (though those won’t be the only preteranatural species involved) have been done before, multiple times before, I am trying to achieve something different, and hopefully unique.

Thank you for everyone and anyone who takes the time to give this first chapter a shot and know that I will have more to come, hopefully at quick pace motivated and encouraged by the feedback of the readers, and fellow writers within the site.

I also realize my writing is far from perfect, but again, all I ask is for a chance to do what we all love to do here. Thank you once again))

 Protectors of the Blood


The Wolf’s Lament

            A howl pierced the night like a knife stabbing through a feathered pillow. Sara was startled awake as the call pulled her from her deepest thoughts and dreams, from the serenity of her sleep that she so longed for. The last few days and nights had been restless ones, with major activity erupting throughout the West Coast. That being so, she scarce had time to sleep in. Sara remained in bed a second longer, motionless as she interpreted the call as it echoed through twilight’s hours. Sara’s heart was racing as the howl poured through her, pulling at her attention the way she was sure it was doing to the rest of the members of her pack.

          The call was cold and long; angry even. Her emotions stirred, shifting abruptly to embrace the emotions within the howl. It filled her with pain and grief, as well as a fear she had never before felt. It wasn’t unusual to be called in the middle of the night, in fact it happened often and it almost always meant something bad had happened. Tonight’s call however, was different. Something most definitely had gone wrong, and it seemed to be far worse than anything she had ever been awoken for.

            A second call tore through the silence of the night; one filled with pure anger and rage, a fury the made Sara afraid for her life, as well as for the lives of the members of her pack. The call was a growl as well as a howl, a warning as well as a demand. Immediately her body pulsed, as if her heart was erupting to life after a moment’s rest. Pain gripped at her every limb, like electricity coursing through her body. Sara rolled off her bed, slamming into the cold redwood floor in a flurry of pillows and blankets. She knew this pain; she had endured it many times before. The wolf inside her was being called into existence, as her presence was being demanded. Sara was being forced to shift, forced to answer the call that she now unmistakably recognized as coming from the Beta of her pack, her second commander, Alphonse Cross.

            Sara was terrified. Never before had she felt that amount of power come from Cross, who was generally a pretty easy going guy, aside from when he was following orders. Never before had she been forced to shift by anyone other than an Alpha, or one of the Hierarchy’s that ruled her world. It was a feat that until now she had simply dismissed as impossible. Sara shivered beneath the power of the call, and couldn’t help but question exactly what was going on, and what it would mean for the days to follow.

            Was her Alpha dead? Had Griffith met his demise and was Cross now stepping up as commander, as her new Alpha? Sara wouldn’t mind that. Griffith was a decent man, but a strong willed one; a man that forced the respect of his pack through pure power rather than earning it. That would explain how a Beta could force the shift of his pack members, seeing as it was generally a power reserved for the more dominant, the Alphas. Sara dismissed that idea immediately though. If her Alpha had indeed fallen, she would’ve felt it, she would’ve sensed that death was approaching. No, someone else had fallen tonight, but who?

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