The Warning

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A/N: Not really an announcement, a little rant rather. I've achieved one more vote, taking me from a grand total of 2 votes to 3, which is better than 2 obviously, but still not as much as I would've hoped for. but it is something. 

I've also acquired a few more reads which is always amazing to see. Hopefully those numbers keep on going up and this story recieves more attention, hopefully. Again, I realize it isn't the best story here, but it will get better, I'm hoping so anyway.

As always, thanks in advance for any comments or votes you may give. All criticism, positive or negative, or in the form of votes, or lack there of, are appreciated. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 3: The Arrival

        Sara had been escorted back to the house by Cross, the Warden and his mate, who was apparently the cousin of The Great Queen Luciana, though she wondered why she had never heard of that bloodline before. No one had ever mentioned the Queen’s family, and most wolves didn’t even have a real wolf family to begin with, but she had been warned repeatedly by both Cyndi and Rafael that revealing that information to anyone would very well be hazardous to her health as the Queen did like to keep her business personal, as if the Queen’s warning itself hadn’t been enough.

            “But if Griffith asks me what happened, I can’t lie to my Alpha. The information will be pulled from me whether I allow it or not.” Sara responded to the threat. She couldn’t imagine lying to her Alpha, and she had seen the immense amount of pain of those who did tried to keep secrets from the pack no matter how personal. The one hiding the secret would be forced to shift into the wolf, if the Alpha thought the information being withheld was hazardous to the pack as a whole, and all together the rest of the pack members would attack that one members mind until the contents of the secret flowed as freely through the packs minds as blood through one’s veins.

            “That is not necessarily true. You have been given orders by someone who out ranks your Alpha, to withhold this information. You should have no problem doing so, and no one is higher in rank than Queen Luciana.”

            “So if Griffith asks me I’ll suddenly have the ability to lie to my Alpha?” Sara asked still confused on how the whole power level worked even after she had spent a little more than have a century of being a werewolf herself. There were rules she knew of, but as of late she had been learning that some wolves were capable of being physical exceptions to those very rules she thought governed them all.

            “Yes and no.” Cyndi answered as honestly as she could. “You will simply be able to lie about this particular matter, nothing else, and if your Alpha tries to see inside that mind of yours he will find that he won’t be able to access those memories.” The four of them walked some more in silence, each pondering their own thoughts. Sara’s thoughts however needed to be verbalized. She needed answers.

            “That alone could put me in harm’s way.” Sara exhaled deeply as her own thoughts rushed her like the stampeding waters of a raging river. “If Griffith cannot access these particular memories, he’ll know something is up without even having accessed the true information.”

            “She’s right,” Cross muttered through clenched teeth as he took Sara’s side on the matter. “This is a dangerous game we’re playing, and we’ve just painted a target on her back for any enemies we have and those we still don’t know of.”

            The Warden who had been leading them through the woods and back to Griffith’s house stopped suddenly, and threw his hand up, fist clenched, signaling for a stop. An action Sara recalled seeing in plenty of movies with military personnel. She wondered if Rafael had ever himself served within the armed forces, and if then, what was his particular occupation and training. He turned around to the rest suddenly, whom all had stopped and were waiting for his next move.

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