Fight or Flight

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(( So this chapter is in the perspective of another character, Cross, who by now everyone should be somewhat familiar with. I did this for a reason, sorry if readers don't like it, but it was definitely necessary. As i can tell right now, there will be five different point of views throughout the book, maybe four, im still debating on one of them. Most of the book however, will continue to be told from Sara's point of view, and it will only be altered when it is absolutely necessary. 

As always, thanks in advance for any reads, comments, and votes given. It always means a lot to get votes and reads. Hopefully you enjoy.))


Fight or Flight

            “Three...” Naomi announced as everyone had taken their starting positions. Cross stared into Stephanie’s eyes, her beautiful innocent eyes as tears caressed her cheeks. She was crying for him, afraid for him, but she shouldn’t be. Cross couldn’t explain it, maybe it was just the bottled up rage waiting to be unleashed, maybe it was the adrenaline tearing through his body at the game’s excitement, or maybe it was just that today he had purpose, but he felt good and ready.

            “Two...” He knew what he had to do. He didn’t have to win, he didn’t care about winning, but he did have to get out of this alive, and protect Sara in the mean time. He had his suspicions about what exactly was going on, about who the voice that tore through everyone’s mind belonged to, and if he was correct, than protecting Sara had just become his number one priority. He couldn’t afford for anything to happen to her, if she was who he thought she was.

            “One...” It wouldn’t be easy. Some very strong wolves were about to enter the arena, Jon of the Queensguard his only for sure ally in the matter. Still, at least six other wolves had entered the hunt in which he questioned his ability to outfight. But he would take them on. He would take them all on if he had to.

            “Go...” Cross stole one final look at Stephanie before he charged forward into the hunt. Luciana was standing beside her, holding her hand, with the rest of her guard encircling them. He rushed forward into the thicket of trees, racing past them. He must’ve run about twenty or so yards before he stopped and began searching for Sara’s scent. He knew that when they had started, she had been on the opposite side of the field of him, but there was no telling what she would’ve done once the game had begun. Hopefully she was waiting for him, but knowing Sara the way he did, she was probably out fighting someone already, trying to get to him.

            In truth though, her scent wasn’t the only one who’s scent he was hoping he’d come across. The other scent he longed for however, he was sure would smell beyond powerful and angry, but he wasn’t even sure if it even really existed, if that person still existed. Cross closed his eyes and concentrated, opening every sense so could to search for what he needed to find.

            “You won’t find him. We searched the perimeter high and low, there’s no way he could be here and not have been detected.” A voice called out to him. Cross opened his eyes to see the Jon of the Queensguard standing a few feet away from him. If it had been anyone else, they surely would’ve attacked already, but Jon and he were friends, almost brothers even.

            “Someone is out there though.” He walked over to Jon, who embraced him in a brotherly hug for a moment. Cross had known the members of the Queensguard, long before they were appointed so, but the connection they all had, including the Queen was something of utmost secrecy. 

            “I know bro, but this isn’t the time to be hunting someone who may or may not be there when people are trying to hunt us as well.” Jon laughed. Together the two stared out into the woods. Sooner or later someone would come to challenge them.

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