Chapter 7.

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Disguised hearts

All rights reserved

copyright @daby_07.


"Thanks for the jacket," I said as he smiled.
"No biggie, I'm just watching out for a pretty girl," he said as I flushed. "Also, my homeboys girlfriend," he added as I sat back on the bench.
"So you guys are like best friends?"
"I guess that's girls call it, so, yeah," he said as he sat beside me.
"That's cute,"
"No, it isn't," he said, chuckling.
"It is. It's hard to see friendships that have lasted since primary school, "
"It's quite common sha. You girls just find everything cute, " he chuckled again.
"it's not common to me, sha." I kicked my feet.
"Oyana, we are best friends, I guess, but we don't call each other that."
"although he has seemed to replace me, but I'm still his number one."
"Ewww, you sound gay." I said as he laughed. He was so jovial that you'd feel like a comedian around him.
"You see how it sounds now, bah. That's how it sounds when you call us 'besties.'"
"abeg, that one is different,"
"If you say so,"
"You guys are still close, ba?" I asked as he looked at me, although where we were sitting was not very bright. I could still see his brown eyes.
"You like asking questions oo" he uttered as he averted his gaze from me, depriving me of those beautiful eyes.
"Sorry. It's quite the habit I've got. "
"I don't mind for real, as long as you let me ask my own questions," he said as I nodded. "Am I allowed?" he looked at me once more
"Yeah," I said quietly
"Yeah, we're still close."
"Nice.... nice, " I said, biting my lips a little, I wanted to ask another question, but I just kept quiet. we sat down there in silence for a while before he decided to break the sience.
"So, no more questions?" he asked.
"Does he talk about me?" I blurted, the corners of his lips just curved upwards in amusement.
"Is that supposed to be a question?" he relaxed a bit, I just shrugged. "Well, he talks about you a lot, sha if you really want to know. He's always talking about how silly you are and all you guys fight. I knew you like since you guys started dating, just never saw you besides I'm very sure I told you that Olumide speaks so highly of you or have you forgotten so soon," he said as I scratched the back of my neck.
"It's true, you did," he just shook his head.
"Let's leave Mide talk for now, let's come to you. Why were you sitting here alone?"
"I was waiting for Kay, James asked to talk to her, and they stalked off somewhere."
"ohh, that your friend," he nodded his head. "She's hot," he added as I flushed. I've never heard someone talk about Kay like that aside from Ezekiel.
"Yeah, she is."
"Are you guys besfriends?"
"we don't call each other that though, but we're really close."
"Hmmm, I see. I would've told you to introduce me to her, but James seems to have the upper hand. "
"James is sha wasting his time. She has someone she likes."
"doesn't mean she can't lose feelings besides the boy doesn't seem to be here,"
"Yeah, he isn't."
"So they're wasting their times as far as I'm concerned because your gender seems to move on so easily,"
"I can brag that Kay isn't like that," he smirked.
"Can you brag about yourself like that?" he asked as my heart raced. What does he mean by that?
"Huh?" I muttered as I adjusted his jacket, which seemed to be slipping off my shoulders.
"That's a hoodie, though. You can just wear it instead of wearing it over your shoulders," he said as I nodded, putting it on. "So I asked before. Can you brag about yourself like that?" he asked again.
"Yeah," I responded.
"Hmm." he said. What does he mean by hmmm.
"You sure?" he asked
"I believe I've said yes twice now," I said.
"Woah, calm your tits," he said, chuckling.
"You're crazy sha" I said
"I didn't mean to offend you or something. It's just that you can't brag about yourself, " he said as I furrowed my brows at him.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you and Olumide have broken up because of something you did that really hurt him," he said
"You cheated," he said as my breath ceased for a second. Olumide must have told him, "Not sure he likes me, sef," so he is just talking to me out of pity.
"Not exactly cheating,"
"So what would you call it?" he let out a deep breath.
"Since Olumide told you all these things, I'm sure he told you that it was the person that kissed me and not me that kissed him, so think about how that is cheating."
"Hmmm, I'm sure that there is something left out."
"Like what?"
"You guys are taking out while Olumide was away."
"what the fuck are you talking about?" I was annoyed now, why would Olumide tell him all this stuffs about me, about OUR relationship.
"well, before you start blaming Mide, I literally forced this out of him,"
"yes, Maureen" him calling my name made me chuckle a bit. "so tell me, What happened?"
"I don't understand. I thought Olumide had already told you about it"
"yes, he has. I want to hear your own side of the story, your own POV" he said.
"there is no need to, Olumide has already told you about it, don't stress me."
"nawa oo, you're too fiesty, God forbid" he said as I hissed. "Are you angry because you can't brag about yourself the way you did with Kay or are you angry that Olumide told me about you guys issues?" I just ignored him. "it's okay, I am not judging you because I am no better than you sef" Still silent.
"you can't ignore me forever"
OMG, Kay should do fast unless I'd run mad.
"okay, suit yourself." he said as he leaned forward.
"he was my senior" I didn't even know when I started talking but he didn't interrupt me, he just kept quiet causing me to continue. "The first time Olumide went home he didn't tell me so I was so worried I couldn't do anything right. I tried calling him but he didn't respond, he had always visited the guidance counsellor so I visited the counsellor but I couldn't get shit out of him so I just gave up. I just had it in my mind that he would come back because boys said that his stuffs were still in school." I stopped to catch my breathe. Daniels arms were folded now, he listened keenly.
"I and Zion, Zion is the name of the senior by the way, I and Zion were close even before Olumide went home, I don't know if Olumide told you this but I am a transferred student, I transferred here Js2 ending from another school. I and Zion were close since my Ss1 because he knew my brother and shit, my brother is an alumnus of our campus, so moving on, we were just hanging out one day then I told him about how Olumide left blah blah about how worried I was and shit, from hugging he kissed me, I didn't stop in then someone walked in on us, so that's all."
"hm, so he knew about Olumide?" Daniel asked.
"Literally, everyone in senior secondary knows about I and Olumide, so yes, he knew"
"hm, I see. So why didn't you stop him?"
"Honestly, I don't know. I guess I needed it at that moment. I forgot about Olumide at that time for real."
"So, you guys didn't make out or what?" I heaved a sigh.
"No, we didn't. You know the way rumors spread and shit, people tend to add spice to the story. Immediately Olumide came back, the news reached him, he was so angry that he almost kissed a junior girl in my front and just proceded to break up with me"
"he didn't even listen to you ba"
"like for real, he didn't even let me speak"
"yeah Mide has anger issues. He doesn't get angry easily but when he does, it isn't a good experience."
"I know, I'm his girlfriend" I retorted as he smirked.
"I don't know why he took you back sef. It can never be me sha"
"I'm aware, that's why it isn't you"
"I guess I needed it at that moment" he mumbled, mimicking me as I rolled my eyes. "I stand on my words sha. You girls are wicked." he said with a straight face as he leaned forward. "Funny how that my babe was also rumoured to have a thing with one senior too like that while I was in school sef. I can't even respect her again after that for real and I really liked that bitch" he sighed.
"yeah, bitch"
"it's not think that it is cool to insult her though even though she hurt you"
"hm, I don't care what you think" he said looking at me with a smirk as I frowned.
"Good night abeg" I said as I stood up.

1552 words.

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