Chapter 2

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"Welcome to the Omega Timeline! I've been expecting you!"

Core!Frisk greeted the group of skeletons who had freshly come through Ink's door to the Timeline.

They looked at the Sanses that came in behind Ink with a healthy amount of worry.

That was until they realised that the Sanses looked confused and kind of scared, with the exception of Killer who was as always masking with a smile and Dust whose face was obscured by hood.

Cross was holding the hand of Nightmare, who was gripping Dream's arm firmly. Meanwhile Blue held Dream's hand.

Frisk accessed the situation for a moment before smiling at the group as well.

"Hello! Since Ink didn't explain it to you, the Omega Timeline is where refugees from empty or erased AUs come to seek refuge."

Frisk explained to them, leaving Nightmare's gang looking sort of guilty and the children confused. But they were already permanently confused due to not speaking the language, so at least that was the same. As the two realised it'd be a longer conversation, Nightmare got curious. He let go of Blue's hand and took Dream along with him.

"How did you know we were coming?"

Dust asked hesitantly, trying to mask the fact that he was slightly intimidated by the omnipresent kid.

"Oh, right, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Core Frisk. Just Frisk is fine. I...fell into the core in my AU, and I tried to reset at the same time, giving me the ability to be everywhere and nowhere across AUs at once. So technically, I was there when those two turned into children"

Frisk explained, making Dust nod hesitantly. Some of his teammates glanced in the direction of the kids and gasped. They were at one of the weird doors! The Stars didn't seem worried at all, but Horror already opened his mouth to yell. Frisk however grabbed his arm, getting his attention.

"They can't get in, only the person who created a door can use it."

They told him, before turning to the rest of the team.

"Now, I can see that you're just here to protect the kids since they don't want to be separated.

I know about your past, Dust, Cross, Horror, Killer. So before I let you go any further though, I need to ask you to do something."

The named skeletons perked up, waiting for Frisk to tell them what to do.

"You will not do anything that disturbs the peace of this AU. You are not allowed to cause suffering to anyone to the inhabitants of the Omega Timeline or anyone outside of it.

You have to promise."

Core Frisk told them. They knew what Promises meant to Sanses, and the Sanses were now aware that they knew.

Cross was the first one to kneel down to be on eye level with the greyscale human, bowing his head in an overly formal way.

"Okay, hereby I promise-"

"No no, silly, not like that."

Frisk interrupted Cross' ceremonial apology while giggling. Said Sans looked at them, waiting for them to say what they wanted.

"Like what then? We'll do anything, we just want little Boss to be safe."

Killer asked them, looking serious for once.

"I need alll of you..."

They started dramatically, before holding out their hand, a pinky poking out of it.

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