Where does trauma come from?

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Where does trauma come from?

Trauma comes from various places. It can come from home, school, workplace, online, hospitals etc.

Most common places are from homes, schools and the online.

Why homes? Aren't homes a place where it's considered to be a safe environment for the child to grow? Well, technically, yes, it's supposed to be a safe place for the child to grow, to feel loved and cared for, but sometimes that might not be the case.

Sometimes, the parent doesn't know how to be a good parent and thinks that dread is a good way of disciplining their child, leading to eventually abusing them in various ways such as physically, mentally and verbally. And if the child is a vulnerable one, this might lead to trauma.

Why schools? Aren't schools supposed to be an environment for the child to grow safely and learn? Technically yes, but practically no.
Schools are considered to be institutions for every child to learn, grow and explore new things. We already know the system is not a very good one in most countries, and then there comes the 'different' students who bully those who seem vulnerable and weak.

These students might do it for fun, or because they want to feel superior after being neglected at home.


It is NOT your responsibility to care about your bully's life at home. If they are feeling neglected, or suffer at home, they should seek therapy, not the feeling of superiority. It is not your responsibility to bear their burden on your shoulders just because their life at home is not good.

Now, how does bullying affect a person? We all know that bullying comes in many forms, once again, such as mental bullying, physical bullying and verbal bullying, sometimes even murder in extreme cases. These, once again, can lead to trauma. Even if it's bullying about someone's insecurities, grades, family situation, financial situation or something some people might consider as 'insignificant'

Now, we all know how easy it is for predators to feast on weak children online - leading to another case of trauma. Online is a place where you can express yourself, but sometimes, specimens who shouldn't have the right to speak, do speak up, or do some things that are considered inappropriate from every point of view.

Blackmailing is one way of traumatising someone.

Grooming is another way of traumatising someone.

Toxic relationship is yet another traumatising experience for someone.

Very specific threats.






For vulnerable


The online is dangerous, and if you aren't used to seeing it all, then it might traumatise you for life.

The workplace is another place for trauma. How exactly, you may ask? It's similar to the school's situation to put it simply.

But if you want on a deeper level, the workplace can be the same as a school and an online place. The boss/manager could be bullying you, you could have a co-worker who is blackmailing you, and all sorts and sorts of unpleasant situations.

The hospital is another way of trauma. Sounds silly, doesn't it? It does, I know it does, but it's not really. Imagine having a doctor who is not good at their job, or a doctor who is eyeing you in a way you find inappropriate - that's an immediate red flag.

What I mean to say is that the world itself is a way of experiencing something traumatic because that's just how the world is and will always be. Trauma can be at every corner, and it can deeply affect a soft-hearted person, that is why we need to proceed with caution when our instinct tells us something is off.

Hey, sorry for the wait for a new chapter. As I said before, I lack the motivation to write and it's really hard for me to do so - even now I had some difficulties in writing, but I managed to wrap it up and write a chapter. It is about 650 words and I'm proud to say that, because it's extremely hard for me to write any longer than that, but of course, I'll try my best with every chapter.

Spoiler!! -> Next chapter "What is trauma?"

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