Chapter 1 - Rough Beginnings

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It is a beautiful day in the grand city of Inkopolis. The sun was beaming down on every corner of the urban landscape and if you looked closer you would see tons of Inklings and Octolings walking about, doing their business as usual.

A train could be seen pulling into the Inkopolis Square, packed full of people who were using it to get around town. One of these said people was (Y/N). He was a young Inkling who had recently decided to move here from his hometown of Calamari County due to some family issues and was ready to start a new problem-free life here. Or so he thought.

(Y/N) stepped out of the crowded train cart and got out of the station to stand there and take the view all in. Everything seemed so lively and energetic compared to his home with all sorts of people walking across streets and talking to others.

(Y/N): A fresh start at life...

He reminded himself that this was a new world he was jumping into and to be honest, he was very excited. (Y/N) looked at the huge screen in the square, where an inkling girl and octoling girl were presenting the current news. He looked over in the other direction and saw... an old squid sticking out of a manhole?

(Y/N): Yikes... better avoid that guy he looks sketchy. Other than that though, this place looks amazing. Although when I was looking at this place online, I swear there was a giant fish on that tower.

He shrugs and decides that since it was already late in the day, he needed to find a place to call his own.
(Y/N) isn't much of a hoarder, he had a couple bags of clothes and necessities, as well as his trusty old Splat Charger that his dad gave him a couple years ago.

After doing some quick research on his phone, (Y/N) found an apartment for sale really close to the Inkopolis Square so he booked it to the building and bought the place with the little amount of money he had.
Seeing his bank account made him slightly depressed but he decided that he would deal with that come the morning as he plopped down on the comfy bed and unpacked all his belongings.
About to call it a night, (Y/N) pulled out his Nintendo Switch and played some Stardew Valley until eventually he fell asleep.

Sun filtered through his blinds as (Y/N) woke up, energetic and excited to start his new life here in Inkopolis. Wasting no time at all (Y/N) jumped out of bed, took a shower, ate his breakfast and brushed his teeth. He did his hair (tentacles? idek) and put on a nice fit as he liked to dress well.
(Y/N) stepped out of the apartment complex and took in the fresh morning air before practically running to the Lobby to try out some turf wars.
Back home (Y/N) was renowned for his amazing talent with a Splat charger, or sniper of any kind, and so it made him excited to try these skills on some of the city folk.
He hopped into a game on a team with 3 other inklings and got straight to business, with (Y/N) impressing the whole lobby with 14 splats on his first ever match. As he saw the prize money for his performance begin to roll in, you could say (Y/N) got addicted instantly. He spent the whole remainder of the morning playing turf war after turf war until he finally decided that he had played enough around 5 in the evening.
Averaging games with 20 kills and still plenty of turf inked was light work for the young inkling, and he went the full day without experiencing a single loss.
(Y/N) walked out of the lobby and saw a cafe that he decided he would get a bite and a drink at before he headed home for the day.

Throughout his life, despite his insane fighting skills and knowledge, (Y/N) had always failed to make friends easily, he was definitely shy and more of the quiet type. However as he sat down and began eating, an inkling girl that seemed about his age walked over and sat down next to him, sparking conversation.

(???): Hey, hows it going? Thought that you looked like you needed someone to talk to.

(Y/N): Uhh its going good. Whats your name?

(???): Oh- sorry I forgot to introduce myself, the name is Alice, but some closer friends of mine call me 4.

Alice sticks her hand out for a handshake with a smile. She has hair that just barely reaches her shoulders, with orange eyes.
(Y/N) reaches out and meets her hand in a handshake.

(Y/N): Alice... nice to meet you. My name is (Y/N), I am new to Inkopolis actually, I moved here just yesterday and I'm still getting all settled in.

Alice: Oh that sounds like it would be quite an experience, being in such a huge city for the first time. For me, I'm an Inkopolis baby, born and raised.

She shot him another smile, really bringing to realization how much (Y/N) could not hold a conversation with a girl.

(Y/N): Yeah it is quite a lot to take in, but at least it's fun to explore and stuff. Not to mention the turf wars, those are a blast.

Alice: Hmm, you seem nice enough. We should totally play turf wars together some time. I've been looking for some new buddies to play with so I could give you my number and we could hop in a match or two someday.

(Y/N) hesitantly wrote his number down on a piece of paper because Alice had left her phone at home and would have to enter the number later. The two of them had a really good talk over coffee, even though they had never met before. It seemed like there was a bond formed straight off the line.

(Y/N): Well Alice, it was really nice meeting you but it is kind of getting late and I am hoping to get some good sleep tonight for some more turf wars tomorrow.

Alice: Oh its all good (Y/N), I'll see you around 'kay?

She smiled and waved by the cafe door as (Y/N) started the 15 minute walk back to his apartment building. It was starting to drizzle a bit but the air was a very likeable temperature as (Y/N) tiredly puts one foot in front of the next.
While walking he passed by an alleyway that her heard some noise from. Curious, (Y/N) turned the corner to go take a peek to see what all the commotion was but as soon as he was 8 steps into the alleyway, 4 people, 2 octolings and 2 inklings, surrounded him.
Without saying a word, the 4 of them rushed at (Y/N) with intent to rob him of his belongings and the money he had made over the course of the day. And while he did put up a fight (Y/N) was no match for the ruthless punches and kicks that were handed out by these strangers.

The poor inkling boy laid there on the ground face down, passed out, barely breathing and full of cuts and bruises. The rain landed continuously on his body and he couldn't move an inch. He heard voices from some people who were walking by.

(???): What the hell? Why is there a random dude lying down on the ground?

(??? 2): Poor dude was probably jumped just like a bunch of others in the area. The amount of robberies on the streets in this area has skyrocketed recently.

The 2nd voice came closer to flip (Y/N)'s body over to see his face and then gasped.

(???): What is it 4?

('4'): I recognize this guy. We can't leave him here we gotta bring him to my house or something.

(???): Are you sure this isn't just some random homeless dude passed out or something?

('4'): I'm sure! I can't leave him here I was just hanging out with him a little bit ago.

(???): Well we are sure as hell not taking him to your place, that place is a dump! We will take him to my apartment for now.

('4'): Ugh... fine let's go....

~end of chapter 1~

Thats the end of my first chapter ever! I hope the two people that read this enjoy it lol. It isnt that long of a chapter but I plan to make longer ones as this was kind of an intro lol. Thanks again

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02 ⏰

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