Unsettling Matter Of the Spirit A reward?! pt 2

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The sun was shining bright outside as the birds began to chirp.

Maomao: Mmmmm

Maomao opened her eyes to see that she was face-to-face with Y/n as he was still sleeping. Their faces were a few inches apart from each other's. Maomao quickly sits up with a blush on her face. Maomao then remembered last night that she said he could sleep in her room. Maomao looked at him as he was still sleeping peacefully.

Maomao: " How could anyone call him a monster."

Maomao then noticed that the bandages that were covering his hands up to his four arms were coming undone. Maomao touched his arm but then pulled her arm back. She just looks down at him and looks at his chest as it has scars going across his body with a large scar going across his chest. Maomao drags her across his scars.

Maomao: " What has he been through to have so many scars?"

Maomao then realized what she was doing as she retracted her hand and exited the bed. She was careful not to wake him up. She grabbed some clothes and started to make her way to the door to go to the bathroom. She soon stops.

Y/n: 'I'm sorry...'

Maomao looks back thinking Y/n was awake only to see that he was talking in his sleep.

Y/n: ' Please don't make me do this....'

Y/n started to stir in his sleep, turning his head and trying his best not to shed a tear. Grabbing the sheets on the bed as he was stirring.

Y/n: ' Please, I can't keep doing this...'

Maomao walks over to Y/n.

Maomao: " Sleep talking? "

Y/n kept string in his sleep.

Y/n: ' Why is it always me...'

Without knowing Maomao's hand moved on its own. She began patting Y/n on his head. Soon Y/n began to calm down as his face started to look more and more relaxed. She soon realized what she was doing as she slowly pulled her hand back. She looked at her hand for a minute before leaving the room.

( 2 Hours Later)

Y/n: *Yawnnnnnn* Not going to lie that was the best sleep I have had in a while.

Y/n soon makes it into his office. He then noticed the man from last night in the guard tower. Walk by his office.

Y/n: You.

Guard: M-M-Me?

Y/n: Come here?

Guard: Y-Yes sir!?

The guard walks into Y/n's office. Y/n then takes a good look at the man then it looks like something hit him.

Y/n: Soldier Kaji Sakurai right.

Kaji: Yes sir!?

Y/n: Go get these guards for me and you return with them ok.

Kaji: Y-Yes sir!!!

The man runs out of the room. Y/n gets up and opens one of his drawers full of papers.

Y/n: Kaji...Kaji...Kaji.

Y/n then finds the papers with Kaji's name on them. He begins to read the papers.

Y/n: Interesting...

10 minutes later Kaji comes back with the soldiers.

Y/n: Did any of you manage to find anything last night about the person who broke into the place last night?

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