Arthur-kun: Helllllllllllloooooooo everyone. Welcome to my very first and hopefully not the worst Q & A special. I am your host Arthur-kun.
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Author-kun: I will be answering some of the questions you all have, but wait there's more.
Arthur-kun snaps his finger as a stage and appears along with Maomao, Jinshi, Y/n.
Arthur-kun: I also have some of your favorite characters join us too!
Y/n: Do we really have to do this?
Jinshi: Come on you two this could probably be fun.
Maomao: *Sarcastic* Yes, answering questions from a guy talking to a wall is fun.
Arthur-kun: What I'm not talking to a wall, I'm talking to the readers of our book.
Jinshi,Maomao, and Y/n watches as Arthur-kun was pointing at the wall.
Arthur-kun:I'm not crazy!!!!!!
Jinshi: Apothecary you did say he wasn't poisoned right.
Maomao: He doesn't have any symptoms that I've ever seen before.
Y/n: There is no symptoms for crazy.
Arthur-kun: I'm literally right here!
Y/n: We know.
Arthur-kun eye twitches.
Arthur-kun: *sigh* Wow you guys are real assholes.
Maomao: Coming from the guy that literally kidnapped us.
Arthur-kun: For the last time I didn't-Ahhh forget it! Anyways guys this is simple.
Arthur-kun snaps his finger and an envelope appears in his hands.
Arthur-kun: In this envelope is some questions from your adoring fans who read the book. They would like for you to answer some of them. And before you three or anyone decide to be a smart ass yes there will be questions for me also ok ok. Let's get started!
Arthur-kun pulls out a small note card.
Arthur-kun: Oh the first question is for you Jinshi.
Jinshi: Really?
Arthur-kun: Yeah, but I don't think you're going to like it. He actually has quite a few. From @MauroRatti, One of his questions is.
"Jinshi, How does it feel to lose your little toy little by little?"
Maomao & Y/n: Little toy?
Jinshi: First off I don't think of her as a least not that much and second I'm not losing anything at all.