Five | T R O U B L E

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Scarletts POV

Lilah was first to suck the card and passed it to Kelce. Kelce passed it to Kiara, then Kiara passed it to Topper, and then to Sarah, to Mason, and then to me. I sucked the card from his lips and blew it to Rafe who then passed it to Lilah ending the cycle.

"Alright." Mason said disappointed. "Let's all take a shot so we're a little more drunk."

Everyone took a shot and we began the game again. This time the card dropped at Topper and Sarah. They kissed not once but twice after taking a shot. The game continued and more kisses happened. I hadn't kissed anyone after four rounds. Until Mason dropped the card from his mouth.

"Whoops." He said sarcastically. We both took a shot and kissed. Our kiss was far more steamy than the others kisses due to Mason taking it farther than I anticipated. The room echoed with whistles and cheers. I grinned and placed the card on my lips accidentally making it drop from my mouth since I forgot to suck. I was beginning to get very drunk, and was forced to take another shot.

Rafe placed a quick kiss on my lips and continued passing the card in the opposite direction. The card purposely dropped for the third time at Mason and I. It was getting annoying at this point.

"I think the games over." Lilah said flipping her curly hair obviously annoyed at Mason.

"Yeah games over." Rafe repeated, he went to the Bluetooth and played some music. We all danced in the living room with drinks in our hands.

The music thumped through the floorboards, a relentless beat that vibrated in my teeth. I needed a break, a moment to escape the heat and chatter. The bathroom, with its cool tile and dim lighting, felt like an oasis.

I looked in the mirror, my reflection a hazy blur. It wasn't just the low lighting. The room The walls seemed to breathe, the mirror warped slightly at the edges. My stomach twisted in a knot of unease.

I splashed cold water on my face, hoping to wash away the disorientation. But the world around me remained skewed, tilting on an invisible axis.

The bathroom door creaked open, and Rafe stood there. His dark eyes, usually playful, were concerned. "You alright, Scarlett?"

I blinked, my mind struggling to catch up. "Yeah, just...needed to freshen up."

"You asked me to be your bodyguard tonight, remember?" Rafe's voice was low, a hint of amusement dancing in his gaze.

I nodded quickly, a wave of guilt washing over me. "Right, thanks."

I tried to step past him, back into the party to find Lilah and leave, I felt it was right because everything around me was disoriented but Rafes hand settled on my arm, stopping me.

"Scarlett," he said, his voice a soft murmur against the thumping music. "You seem...different tonight."

I met his gaze, my heart hammering in her chest. The room tilted again, the world spinning. I felt strangely light, strangely vulnerable.

"You're right," I whispered. "I feel...different."

He leaned closer, his breath warm on my cheek. "Let me help you with that."

His words were a whisper, a promise, and before I could even register my own thought, his lips were on mine.

As the kiss deepened, I felt a strange sense of surrender. The world around me faded away, leaving only the feel of Rafe's lips, his strong arms, his intoxicating presence.

I had no idea what was happening, what was in my drink, or what this strange, twisted feeling was all about. But in that moment, with Rafe's lips on mine, I knew one thing for sure, I was lost. And I didn't mind a bit.

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