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Author's Pov:

It was a cozy evening where you and shubman was having a sweet banter until

Shubman yelped in pain as his leg twisted awkwardly, the dull crack of bone giving way echoing through the room. He fell backwards onto the bed, gripping his injured leg with a grimace.

She gasped in shock, her eyes widened as she watched him fall. “Oh my god, are you okay?” she asked, her voice filled with concern. She quickly knelt down beside the bed, her hands hovering over his injured leg.

He gritted his teeth as pain shot through his leg, his face contorted in agony. “I don’t think so,” he grunted, trying to sit up but wincing as another wave of pain hit him. “I think I fractured something.”

She bit her lower lip, her heart racing with worry. “Should I call an ambulance?” she asked, her hands trembling a bit as she hovered over his injury. She tried to keep her voice steady, but her concern was palpable.

He waved her off, his expression strained. “No, no ambulances,” he panted, his voice strained. “Just help me sit up, I need to see how bad it is.”

She nodded, carefully maneuvering him into a sitting position, taking care not to aggravate his injury. She looked down at his leg, seeing the swelling and bruising already forming. Her stomach churned as she surveyed the damage.

Shubman looked down at his leg, biting back a curse. It was clear that he had done some serious damage. “Dammit,” he muttered, gritting his teeth against the pain. “This is going to set me back, big time.”

She winced at his words, feeling a pang of guilt. This was all her fault. If she hadn’t teased him so much, he wouldn’t be in this situation. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. “This is all my fault.”

He looked over at her, seeing the guilt and contrition etched on her face. “No, it’s not your fault,” he said quietly. “It was an accident. I shouldn’t have wrestled with you like I was a kid, knowing damn well I’m an athlete.”

She shook her head, her eyes filling with tears. “But if I hadn’t teased you and tried to pin you down, you wouldn’t be hurt,” she protested, her voice breaking. “I never wanted to hurt you. I just wanted to play around and have fun.”

He reached out to take her hand, his grip a bit weak. “Hey, hey,” he said, his voice was soft. “Don’t blame yourself. This isn’t your fault. It was a stupid accident, that’s all. I probably would’ve ended up hurting myself anyway, even if we weren’t playing around.”

She sniffled, her shoulders shaking as she tried to hold back her tears. “But I should’ve been more careful. I should’ve realized I was stronger than you and not taken it so far,” she mumbled, her voice wavering. “I just wanted to have fun, but I didn’t think about how it could end up hurting you. I feel like an idiot.”

He squeezed her hand gently, his expression filled with understanding. “I know, I know,” he said quietly. “But it’s not your fault. It was an accident, and accidents happen all the time. Don’t beat yourself up over it. I’m going to be fine.”

She looked at him, swallowing back a sob. “But you’re hurt,” she whispered, her voice cracking. “And it’s because of me. I can’t help but feel guilty.”

He gave her hand another squeeze, his expression sincere. “I’m hurt, but I’m going to be okay,” he said softly. “And it’s not because of you, it’s because of a stupid accident. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Just take care of me and help me get through this, okay?

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