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I just got into The Loud House in July after watching the recent movie, No Time To Spy. So, bear with me, this is my first ever Loud House fanfic.

If you have visited, then you'll probably recognize the way I wrote this story.


[The story (narrated by Lincoln) starts in Claiborne County, a Michigan county with a shady reputation. A couple of buses from Royal Woods Middle School and Cesar Chavez Academy arrive for a joint field trip between the two schools.]

Lincoln: [Disembarks] Whoo-hoo! We've arrived! [Runs around] Come on, guys!

[The other students disembark and have a look around, albeit reluctantly.]

Student: [Shakily disembarking] We're goners.

Narration (By Lincoln): What you're about to witness is me and my friends going through a no man's land. This is Claiborne County, a county in Michigan with a reputation so shady that they once plowed it under and planted it in salt... or something like that. The folks there just love the improvement. Anyway, my school, Royal Woods Middle School, and Ronnie Anne's school, Cesar Chavez Academy, have planned a joint field trip. Both schools held a raffle contest, and we got to go to the winning pick. That winning pick was the one that I wrote, Claiborne County. You're probably wondering why I would pick such a shady place. Well, I just wanted to give myself a challenge. I wanted to see if I could last an entire day in a place like Claiborne County, a challenge that is... usually met with failure as most who have done such a thing... never come back. Naturally, when my pick was pulled out, everyone else was worried, but I was confident that we'd avoid having to encounter... Well, more on that in a moment.

[Cut to Lincoln, Clyde, Ronnie Anne, Sid, Stella, Zach, Liam, Rusty, Laird, Nikki, Casey, Sameer, Becky, and Artemis outside a vacant building.]

Clyde: I don't know, Lincoln. Writing "Claiborne County" on your note might not be the wisest idea.

Ronnie Anne: Yeah. This county is said to be the most corrupt county in all of Michigan.

Sid: I've heard that Claiborne County even makes other crooked individuals look straight.

Lincoln: Okay, maybe picking Claiborne County was kind of a... dangerous move, but as far as I'm concerned, the only people who get affected by whatever happens here are adults. And we're still kids. So, I think we'll be okay.

Sid: Still, it wouldn't hurt for us to be prepared in case we get caught in the crossfire or something.

Stella: [Reaches for something in her backpack] Which is why I've brought... [Pulls out a couple of radios] ...these. [Passes one to Clyde] They each have a panic button on them. [Points to it on one radio] So, if anything goes awry, just press this and everyone else will be alerted.

Clyde: Sweet. Thanks, Stella. [He, Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, and Sid leave to explore]

[Not long after, as the four explore the town they're in, a sheriff's car quietly sneaks up on them. Meanwhile, Sid is worriedly looking around for anything suspicious.]

Ronnie Anne: [Notices Sid's behavior] You okay?

Sid: ... Sorry. I'm just... trying to stay alert for anything that could jump at us. I've heard that this county's law enforcement usually forges random charges as an excuse to arrest whoever they come across. [She and Ronnie Anne notice the sheriff's car and walk away from it] Right as I say that.

Ronnie Anne: Look, just be cool. Let's not give them any reason to arrest us. Okay?

Sid: [Sighs] Okay.

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