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Author's pov..

Jisung lay on his bed, the dim light from his bedside lamp casting soft shadows across the room.

The echoes of the pottery studio still lingered in his mind, each detail replaying like a broken record.

He turned restlessly, unable to shake the weight of his thoughts.The day had started out with so much promise.

The easy camaraderie between him and Minho had felt like a perfect harmony. But now, alone in his apartment, Jisung felt the sting of Hyunjin's casual comment more acutely.

The room was quiet, but his mind was anything but peaceful.He turned onto his side, staring at the wall.

Why did hyunjin said that? Jisung thought.

Maybe he was just joking, but why is it hurting?

Maybe i'm just too loud. Maybe i'm being such nuisance.

Minho's always calm and cheerful , will he be fine with me being this way?

Maybe he will be better with someone else?

The self-doubt crept in, a relentless tide threatening to drown jisung. He remembered all the times people had called him loud or careless.

His parents, his friends, even strangers at times-he'd heard it so often that it had started to feel like an unshakable part of his identity.

He'd always brushed it off with a laugh or a smile, but now, those comments seemed to amplify in his mind.

I'm so dumb and loud

My smile is ugly.. Maybe i should smile little less? or change my way to smile? Maybe i should hide my face with my hands when i'm smiling?

I know minho prefer quiet serene places.. Will he be fine with me being always so excited over everthing?

Maybe we're just not a good match.

He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to push away the intrusive thoughts. The earlier excitement and joy of the pottery date now felt like a distant memory.

The more he thought about it, the more it seemed like an illusion, a fleeting moment of happiness overshadowed by his insecurities.

The idea that Minho might hate him or find him tiresome gnawed at him relentlessly. What if he's just waiting for the right moment to end things? What if he's only with me because he's too nice to say otherwise?His breathing grew uneven as he fought back tears.

He tried to imagine Minho's face, his smile, the way he looked at Jisung with such warmth.

But the insecurities continued to cloud his thoughts, making it hard to see anything but his own perceived flaws.


Its getting all sad ..😭

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