The Succubus Part 1

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The Succubus

Fifteen hours at work after two of my employees called in sick, makes for a long day.
I don't mind hard work after all it is my company, and I made it a success by hard work.
However it just sucks the big one when you can't find people who are willing to work, and have pride in what they do.
I guess I'm just old fashioned, and still believe in the concept of a work ethic.
That being said, as the owner I have to keep the store open, and if my employees call off I'm the one stuck filling in.
So closing time rolls around, I'm dead tired and my feet hurt.

Thank god I live above my store.
I never have to worry about traffic jams or bad weather.
On the other hand its hard for me to call in and blow off the day saying my car won't start.
The ten pm news finished and that was my cue to head to the sack.
A quick shower, brush my teeth and its off to la la land.
Thirteen days of this with no end in sight.
If I kept up this scheduled I was headed for a breakdown.
Crawling into my bed, all I wanted to do is get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Turning off the bedside lamp I drew the covers, and surrendered to the arms of Morpheus.

I think my favorite moments are those moments when you are on the verge of sleep.
You know you are somewhat awake yet you feel yourself drifting away into the first moments of sleep.
As I drifted away all the bullshit from the day faded into the distance.

Sometime during the night my dreams took on a most delightful edge.
It's rare that I have a dream that revolves around sex.
When I do the part that just plain sucks is that inevitably I wake up at the exact moment when it gets good.

Tonight however was different, this dream was so vivid, and lifelike that if asked I would have to say that it was real.
As I lay upon my bed I felt a shifting of the mattress and the covers being pulled off of my body.
Cracking open my eyes I spied the figure of a woman and what a woman. In all of history wars have been fought for beauty such as this.
I wasn't able to judge her height as she was kneeling on my bed.
Her hair was red as a late summer sunset.
Her skin as pale as rice paper.
Her figure, the very figure of Venus.
Hips delightfully sitting upon legs that were muscular yet pure femininity.
Her waist, thin without being vulgar.
Her breasts, well they were everything a man could hope to one day hold in his hands.
Her face, angelic.

Looking at me as my eyes opened she placed a finger to her lips in the universal gesture for silence.
Reaching up she touched her shoulder and the wrap she wore drifted away as smoke in a gentle breeze.
I began to reach out to her and found to my dismay that my body was frozen in place.
I sent the signals to my arms and hands yet they betrayed me by refusing to move.
Any part of me I attempted to move rejected the idea.
Only my eyes obeyed my commands.
The words I desired to speak never made it past my brain.
Not that I minded, it was a dream after all.
In dream anything was possible.

With a grin that spoke of pure lust, a lust that could freeze the Pope in his tracks, she crawled towards me.
Her motion akin to a large sleek cat.
A movement that was all things sex.
Reaching outward her fingers touched my leg.
The result was an instant erection, larger and harder than ever.
No amount of Viagra could have caused this reaction.
If ever there was a time to be proud of my body this was it.

Her fingers moved lazily upward, tracing the veins and ridges of my cock.
With her nail she teased the rim.
Pre-cum began to pour from the tip, so much my cock and balls were soon coated.
It just kept pouring out of the tip non-stop.
Wrapping two fingers tightly around the base she drew them upward milking more of the fluid from my body.
Leaning inward her mouth hovered a few inches away from the tip.
Spurt after spurt flew from the tip into her open mouth.
In a never ending stream she drank down pints of pre-cum.
This has to be a dream.
Nobody could produce this amount of pre-cum.

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