The Succubus Part 4

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The nurse was shaking with fear, her face as white as the bedding I lay upon.
Three nurses and a pair of orderly's came rushing in.
The nurse who had raised the alarm collapsed into the chair next to the door.

Everything was chaos, those present split between asking the nurse what was going on the remainder gathering around me asking the same questions.
All I could contribute was being awakened from my sleep by the screams.
It took a few moments for some degree of order to reassert itself.
Only then did the nurse begin to explain what all the ruckus was about.

Seconds later the Dr. on call rushed in, asking what the hell was going on.
I had never seen this Dr. before, I think he was one of the residents working the night shift.
He looked like he was in his early twenties.
So young I don't think he could even grow a proper beard.

As the nurse began you could see her body shaking with fear.
The whiteness never drained from her face, If anything it grew in proportion to her shaking.
Her tale began in a rather stuttering way.

"I was at the nurses station finishing some paperwork when an alarm sounded, when I looked I saw the patients remote monitor going crazy.
Dropping what I was doing I made my way to his room.
When I opened the door I expected to see a patient in the midst of cardiac arrest and I was ready to call a "Code Blue".
What I saw just couldn't be real.
This had to be some kind of illusion, nothing like this could be real"

The DR. still attempting to understand the chaos asked her what it was that she saw.
What caused you to raise the alarm?

"As I opened the door the lights were off but there was enough light from outside and from the monitors to see inside the room.
What I saw Just couldn't be real."
She reiterated.

"What did you see?"
Most everyone said in unison.

"When I looked at the bed there was someone sitting on the patient's torso.
At first I thought that he had, had a girl sneak into his room for some, well you know.
I mean in the position she was in there was only one thing they could be doing.
I couldn't really see her.
There was a kind of waviness to her.
Like when you are on the road and see a heat mirage rising from the hot pavement on a sweltering day.
You know, that wavy shimmering image that everyone sees on days like that.

Anyways, I was just about to tell her she had to go when the lights from an ambulance coming into the ER across the way lit up the room.
When these flashing lights struck the woman I swear I saw what looked like a pair of wings.
They were so transparent as to be almost invisible, they were so thin yet you could see some veins running through them.
You know, come to think of it when the strobes from the ambulance hit her/it I could swear that I saw her flinch away from the light.
As soon as I said,
"Excuse me, visiting hours are over."

She turned towards me.
It was her face that freaked me out!
Her face had a skeletal look.
The skin was pulled so tight across her face it looked like dried beef jerky only whitish in color.

Her teeth and jaw weren't normal, the jaw jutted outward and the teeth looked like the ones you see on a shark just longer and not set in nice neat rows.
When it turned around to look at me, I felt my stomach drop to the floor.
At her first glance I knew for a fact that she knew everything about me.
In a single glance she knew my life story.
Everything I had ever done, said or thought was laid bare for her inspection.

In that moment there was nothing that could or would be hidden from her, ever.
In that moment I saw all of my life as she saw it, all of it a waste.
That's when I lost it, that's when I began to scream.
Not for help, no from fear but from recognizing the futility of my life."

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