The Succubus Part 3

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Hours later I was down in another lab.
Sitting in a chair a technician began the process of attaching three billion electrodes to my scalp.
Being led to a cot the technician walked behind me keeping the three billion wire leads from getting tangled as I moved about.
Just prior to laying down I was given a dose of Chloral hydrate to drink.
As I lay there the tech swung a strobe light above my eyes and began to alter the frequency of the strobe.
Moments later I began to fade out from the Chloral hydrate.

Sinking into sleep I began to dream.
Unfortunately this was the dream of my nightmares come to haunt me even here in the hospital, my tormentor had returned.
Once again the pre-cum began to pour forth from my cock as she hovered above my body.
With an open mouth she drank her fill.
Leaning further inward she surrounded my cock with her lips and began running that tongue deep into my body.
I could feel the probing tongue as it wormed it's way inward.
When inserted to the hilt the probing moved around inside me as I tried to fight against this invasion to no avail.

"Dr. Baker, look at this.
While he should be at rest his entire brain activity is going nuts with high levels of electrical discharge.
I've never seen anything like this.
The patterns on the readout are not indicative of any form of epilepsy or brain abnormality.

It's as I said, if I didn't know better I would say he was wide awake yet scared to death.
It's as if he were awake and running for his life.
Yet all his vital signs suggest that he is asleep.
His respiration, pulse, EKG all normal for a person asleep."

"Miss Jackson, check the leads from the equipment and try a quick reboot of the computer.
Although his vitals look normal I'm going to get the crash cart from the locker, just in case."

Back inside my dream.

The probing inside me had taken on a new dimension.
This time when she withdrew her tongue a part of it stayed inside me.
I knew this because even after she removed it.
There was still the feeling of something crawling around inside me.
The most disturbing thing this time was the look on her face.
There was a mocking sneer plastered across her face.
On top of that this sneer literally stretched from one ear to the other.
This was a nightmare grin.

As she crawled upward she began to impale herself onto my engorged cock.
With the pre-cum pouring out of my cock and squirting out from between our obscene coupling.
Something new happened.
As she leaned onward towards my face the shimmering began anew.
Her face was about a foot away from mine as the shimmering began I felt myself being drawn into her.
I began to lose myself, my will was vanishing all that was me began to merge with her.

Suddenly I was seeing through her eyes.
As I looked at myself from her perspective I was nothing more than a donor of sperm, a piece of meat to use and discard when my usefulness was over.
As I watched the view changed.
I was standing on a vast plain, a barren wasteland.
Those I saw wandering around were misshapen, broken excuses of what once may have been human.
Not now, now they were the lost, the wasted shells of what was.

The sky was crimson red, the color emanating from reddish smoke that belched out of geysers and a volcano in the distance.
The ground an unbroken vista of desiccated and broken bones.
From deep inside myself a scream began in the pit of my stomach rolled around my guts until it made its way out of my mouth.

Snap, I'm back in my head and away from that vision of hell and wide awake.
Now I can hear myself screaming.
She was gone, the EEG lab was back and so was Steve and the nurse.
Both of whom were holding me down as my screams wound down.

"Frank, wake up snap out of it your OK.
What happened to you?
Suddenly your EEG went wild and you began screaming.
You scared us to death, we thought the reaper was after you."

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