Rewrite Chapter 2

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A/N: the new character's name is a hint at what will happen.

They all turned towards the noise and stared. A Toriel who towered over them walked over. They didn't even come up to her knees.

"Ahh... it's been so long since I've seen children," she said in a sweet, yet odd sounding tone.
"Oh, hello!" Said Dream.
"Hello dears. I'm Desideria," said the Toriel.
"I'm Dream!" Chirped Dream.
"...Blue." He said after a moment.
"Error," he said as he backed several steps away.
"Stitches," she said warily.

"Well dears, you seem lost. I can take you to my home and make a delicious meal," she said, but something seemed off.
"Sure!" Said Dream. Desideria led them deeper into the underground, holding Dream's hand.

"There's something off about her," said Error.
"I agree," said Stitches.
"I don't like judging people, but... something seems off," agreed Blue. They continued to reluctantly follow Desideria as she led them further.

They came to a cozy looking cottage surrounded by misty woods. Opening the door, Desideria motioned for them to go inside. Dream instantly complied with her request and stepped inside. The cottage was decorated rather nicely with simple wooden furniture.

"Here is the guest room," said Desideria opening a door revealing a room with a large grey bed and nightstand. They looked around, Dream excitedly and the rest nervously.
"Here, have something to eat before you go to sleep," she said offering a plate of cookies.


Error was still wary of Desideria and so was Stitches, but Blue had warmed up to her. For two days, she had been caring for them.
"Miss Desideria, what are you planning on making?" Asked Blue.
"A very special mince meat pie," she said happily. Error didn't know why, but something about her sent a chill don his spine.

Blue, Dream, and Desideria had gone out to gather some stuff while Stitches and Error stayed home.
"Hey, what's this?" Asked Stitches. She held up a large iron key. 
"I don't know, some key I guess. Maybe to the basement or something?" Said Error. Shrugging, Stitches startled when the key shrunk to a more manageable size.
"I'm keeping this," she said.
"Fine with me," said Error.

"Look at these," said Error pointing to scratch marks on the table.
"Geez, those look deep," she said looking at the gorges on the table.
"With the size... it looks like Desideria did it," said Error.
"Something is definitely off," said Stitches.


The two climbed up onto the kitchen counter together.
"Look," said Error, nudging Stitches. Turning, she saw a large book. They began flipping it open.
"The recipe for mince meat pie," said Stitches horrified.
"We need to tell the others," said Error.

"Don't you kids know better than to look through other people's stuff?" Came a voice.


"Where's Error and Stitches?" Asked Dream.
"They're getting the meat for the pie." Said Desideria.
"Oh, okay," said Dream. Blue felt hesitant.
'They wouldn't just go off without telling us, would they?' Thought Blue.

"Here dears, have some cookies," offered Desideria. They both took one and then headed to the guest bedroom to sleep.


Blinking awake, it took Dream a minute to take in his surroundings. He instantly began struggling after realizing he had been bound up.
"D-Desideria? What's happening?" He cried.
"I'm just preparing the meat for the pie," she said with a smile that seemed so wrong.
"What meat? There's nothing here- wait, what?" He cried upon realizing she was looking at him and an unconscious Blue.


Stitches watched as Error shook the bars of the cage. They had been put in a large metal cage that resembled a bird cage.
"Wait, Error, didn't she use an iron key on the lock?" Said Stitches as something clicked.
"Yeah?" He asked puzzled. She dug the key she had found earlier out and it grew to its previous size.
"You think this could unlock the door?" She asked.
"Let's try," he said.

Stitches had to climb on Error's shoulders to reach the lock and insert the key. A clunking noise sounded and Error pushed the cage door open.
"C'mon, we need to help Blue and Dream!" Called Error.
"Right behind you," said Stitches.


Dream felt tears slip down his face as he watched her raise the knife. Then, it happened. A cookbook fell from a higher shelf knocking her on the head.
"Over here!" Yelled Stitches. The giant goat growled and reached for her, only for Stitches to dart away.


Error waited until Stitches knocked down a book, distracting Desideria, to run over and begin freeing Dream and Blue.
"Come on, we need to help Stitches!" He yelled. They began climbing and trying to knock things onto the giant goat monster. They all darted over, and began pushing a large pot as she reached for them.


Mere moments from being grabbed, the pot tilted and fell on Desideria's head and she collapsed on the floor.
"We need to move!" Cried Blue.
"I think I saw a door to a basement. That's where the exit to the ruins should be, right?" Asked Dream.
"Let's go," said Error.


A/N, Desideria means craving in Latin, i found it when looking for names meaning hungry or gluttony. Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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