Chapter 3

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The four ran to the basement door.
"How are we supposed to reach?" Growled Error.
"Oh, I know. Error, Dream will climb on your shoulders, then I'll climb on Dream's shoulders, and finally, Stitches can climb on my shoulders!" Said Blue.
"I don't know..." said Dream.
"Well, we need to hurry so get going," said Stitches, nervously looking back.

Error crouched, allowing Dream to climb on his back. Blue climbed up a moment later and Stitches followed. Grabbing the handle, Stitches twisted the door open with a creek.

"Let's go," said Blue. They moved quickly down the stairs, entering a dark basement. Feeling their way around, they made it deeper down. Dream yelped at feeling something weird. Everyone stumbled and fell. Error wrapped his hand around something and pointed it at where he had heard Dream yelp.

'Wait... is this a flashlight?' Thought Error. Bringing it closer to his face, he felt for a switch to turn it on. He blinked at the sudden light as the flashlight turned on. He swiftly turned at hearing Blue gasp and his eyes widened. Remains, there were several child sized remains and dust.

"There's some stuff here, maybe we can use it to get out?" Suggested Stitches.
"You want to steal from the deceased?" Asked Dream.
"Look, I just want to go home. I don't know about you, but I'm not dying down here," she said as she moved over. She grabbed a lighter from one of the bodies and some fluid for it. Blue grabbed a rusty pipe and a flashlight, and Dream reluctantly grabbed an odd backpack contraption with on red hand and a flashlight.

They continued on, able to see now that they had the flashlights.
"How big is this basement?" Muttered Error.
"It's huge," said Blue.


Faintly, an odd clicking noise could be heard as well as the sound of dripping water. Shivering slightly, they continued through the basement.

"Look out?" Yelled Blue. Error turned and saw a centipede larger than he was. Once the light from the flashlight shone on the creature though, it retreated.
"What was that?" Asked Dream anxiously.
"That was one big bug," said Stitches.

They continued on, occasionally seeing the centipede creatures that they scared off using light.


After walking for several hours, they found a giant door.
"That must be the exit of the ruins," said Stitches.
"Look, a lever!" Yelled Dream. There was, indeed, a large lever.
"How do we move the lever though? It's huge!" Said Error.

It was too far up for them to reach. As Dream messed with the odd backpack device, the hand on it shot out, grabbing the lever. Startled, Dream stumbled back, causing the lever to begin moving down.

"Dream, move back! The hand on the backpack thing is pulling the lever!" Said Blue. Dream moved back and there was a click as the lever came down. A creek sounded, and the door slowly opened.

A/N: hope you're enjoying the book!

Currently, the only items they have are:
3 flashlights
1 lighter
1 foxy mask
The grabpack with the red hand only
1 metal pipe

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04 ⏰

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