WC: 1670
AN: Double update today because I was bored and wrote a lot.
The next morning the girls woke up and got dressed.
"Modern clothes is odd." Enna commented as they got dressed.
"Yea, it must be so weird for you. The style must have been so different in your time" Hope replied.
"Definitely." Enna said and they chuckled. "Uhm. Hope."
"I just wanted to say thank you." Enna said.
"For what?"
"For everything. Waking me up and helping me. I know you and your family need me but you did not have to be so nice." Enna said softly.
"It's no problem really. It must be such a big change." Hope said.
"Yes it is. However I think I'm getting better at opening the doors." Enna said and Hope chuckled.
"That's good, we should probably teach you how to lock them though." Hope said and Enna nodded in agreement. Then they noticed the flowers in the room started to wilt and looked at each other before heading downstairs.
"Dad?" Hope questioned. He didn't respond as he sped towards Enna and wrapped a hand around her neck.
"Dad!" Hope exclaimed but Klaus ignored her.
"Where is she!?" He yelled in Enna's face before Enna threw him back against the wall with her magic.
"Dad what is wrong with you!?" Hope exclaimed as she went to check on Enna.
"Your mother is missing and the little hollow is behind it." Klaus gritted out.
"What?" Hope said. Klaus showed his hybrid face ready to attack but Hope stood in front of Enna.
"It wasn't her dad whatever happened to mom it couldn't have been Enna, she's been with either me or Keelin the whole time." Hope defended Enna.
"Why would I do anything to Hayley when she and Hope are the only ones who have been nice to me and defended me? What reason could I possibly have to hurt her? I have no motive." Enna who had finally caught her breath said.
"You have no idea what she's capable of Hope." Klaus said as he approached her to try to reason with her.
"She couldn't have dad. She's never even left here! You need to stop wasting time and actually figure out who took her." Hope said.
"What did happen to Hayley?" Enna spoke up.
"We found her phone cracked in an alley, her gone, and her blood everywhere." He stated and both girl's eyes widened. "Whatever happened to your mother didn't happen without a fight." He told Hope as he looked at Enna suspiciously.
"Firstly, I do not have the slightest idea what an alley or phone are. Secondly, if I were the one who took Hayley there would not have been a fight and even if there was a fight I would most likely be injured as well. Lastly, I would never hurt Hayley." Enna told him.
Klaus wasn't sure if he believed that she wouldn't hurt Hayley but if she truly never left she couldn't have done it. She did have a point about her not leaving blood everywhere, but that could have been to throw them off her scent. Overall, he wasn't sure what he believed but refrained from attacking her. Mostly because it would have been pointless. She could easily overpower him and they all knew it.
"What are you doing to find her?" Hope asked worriedly.
"Freya is working on a tracking spell but she appears to be cloaked." Klaus said.

Inadu's little sister
FanfictionSo we know The Hollow was powerful because of magic imbued into while in utero. We know she was cruel and power hungry but what we didn't know, was that she had a little sister. Enna Labonair was also imbued with magic while in the womb. However it...