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Wednesday's typewriter clacked with a steady rhythmic pattern, her mind engulfed within its own thoughts as her fingers flew across the keys.

Today was the beginning of a new semester at Nevermore, and Wednesday was admittedly uneasy for a wide variety of reasons. Ever since all of the tangled and disoriented chaos with Tyler and Crackstone, Wednesday has been regrettably...On edge.

Whether she liked to take it into account or not, Wednesday was actually very affected by the events at Nevermore. Her symptoms varied from nightmares to even PTSD, and often times she was unable to eat or sleep.

Wednesday wasn't sure how to approach anything or anyone anymore. She tried being cautious, and that only ended up converting her into a soulless sociopath who was too indulged in her own work to spare some decency. She tried letting her guard down, and she ended up putting all of Nevermore in danger.

Perhaps it would be better if she didn't speak or act ever again.

Wednesday's head lifted at the sound of her father's voice calling out to her, indicating that it was time to leave. Her stomach churned in an unpleasant manner. Wednesday grabbed her heavy typewriter and stuffed it into her bag, meeting her family at the door.

Pugsley wore an anxious/uneasy expression as his sister appeared beside him, his fingers tugging at the hem of his striped sweater.

Me too, Wednesday noted internally.

"Try to be safe this time, okay?" Pugsley muttered, his eyebrows furrowing in a serious manner. Wednesday glanced him up and down, giving him a quick nod.

"I promise," Wednesday replied, her own vow unsettling her slightly. The two stood in silence, before Pugsley inevitably leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his sister. Wednesday stared blankly ahead at her mother and father, who had both been smiling softly. Pugsley pulled back, backing away and pressing his lips together thin.

"I solemnly swear to return back to you and this family in perfect condition," Wednesday says, her hands clasped together.

"If anyone ridicules you while I am gone, you should know what to do. I believe I've taught you well enough," Wednesday continues. Pugsley gives a small smile.

"It's been an honor to have you as my mentor," Pugsley says, fighting back tears.

"Now go, you don't wanna keep Nevermore waiting, do you?" Pugsley insists, his arms crossed.

Maybe I do.

"Alright, stormcloud, looks like this is where you fly solo," Gomez says with a mixture of disappointment and admiration, patting his daughter's shoulder.

"You will not be attending me?" Wednesday replies, her tone neither happy nor sad. Gomez glances at Morticia, before looking back at Wednesday.

"Me and your mother have decided that you have proven your bravery and courage, and without a doubt have earned the privilege of navigating without the watchful eyes of your parents. Oh, and Thing," Gomez elaborates, his tone confident. Wednesday seems slightly taken aback. Thing abruptly crawls up Pugsley's shoulder.

'You have made us all proud,' Thing signs.

Wednesday swallows hard, processing this decision carefully.

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