Wednesday blinked awake at the sound of her and Enid's dorm room door slamming.

Wednesday slowly sat up, a bit startled as she quickly recollects all previous events. Wednesday's eyes instinctively move to her right, a slight feeling of unease gnawing at her as she notices Enid's abscense.

Wednesday turns to the nightstand, checking the time on Enid's alarm clock plastered with stickers. 10:30 at night. Wednesday would be partaking in one of her spontaneous cello sessions by now.

Wednesday frees herself from Enid's heavy-weighted yet incredibly soft covers that smelt of her, hopping off of the bed and searching around. Wednesday peeks out of the half-monochrome half-technicolor window in the center of the room, observing for any potential corroboration or clues relating to Enid's disappearance. Wednesday is met with realization as she spots a full, vivid moon lighting up the courtyard.

She must be at the Lupin Cages, Wednesday gathered. Wednesday had let out a sigh of relief, taking a step backwards. A puzzled look crosses her face as she spots a familiar, small, black, migraine-inducing rectangle on the right edge of Enid's nightstand, open to her messages. Wednesday takes a step forward and picks up the phone, her eyes scanning all of the newest messages on the screen, all of which, unsurprisingly, are from her harasser. These are also followed by responses of her own.

Wednesday feels her heart drop to her stomach as it hits her. Enid must have looked through these and decided to investigate. Wednesday scrolls up.

"This is Enid. If it's me you want so badly, then bother me, not Wednesday."

"Finally someone who responds! And it's the wolf herself. Your roomie won't stop leaving me on read, It gets really fucking annoying."

"Where do you want me to meet you? I'm finishing this."

"So serious, geez. I thought you'd be the fun one. Meet me at the Omelette Oasis. I take it you like it there. :)"


Wednesday almost instantly slams the phone back down on the nightstand, hurriedly snatching her coat off of her chair infront of her workspace and rushing out the door.


Enid huffs in a combination of both frustration and eagerness to put a stop to whatever fucked theatrics this nobody was playing. She was currently being fueled by her upcoming transformation and her anger torwards two things. Firstly, Wednesday not only lied but also hid the fact that there was a literal psycho stalker trying to hunt her down. Secondly, there was a literal psycho stalker trying to hunt Wednesday down.

Thanks to Enid's fast pace, she had already been halfway to the Omelette Oasis. Her legs and shoulders were slightly chilled by the cool night breeze, but it only added to her adrenaline. Enid balled her hands up into a fist as she made her way past the boutique shops and the Weathervane, her claws digging harshly into her palms for comfort.

Enid turned the corner and crossed the street, not bothering to stop for cars, as all of the town is typically indoors during full moons. Enid approaches the Omelette Oasis, looking into the dark establishment via the locked glass double doors, before ripping them open with ease. The doors swing open and Enid steps inside, her boot crunching on a pile of glass on the checkered floor.

Enid scans the diner, her nose inhaling every possible scent like a health inspector. Enid whiffs a strong smell of baking soda all around, which explains the mysterious white powdery coating on the floors, and completely blocks out any other possible scents.

Enid slowly walks further into the diner, lightly pushing open the double doors that lead into the arcade. Enid walks inside, baking soda still scattered around, and no light source whatsoever, which isn't particularly an issue thanks to Enid's heightened senses.

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