WC: 1363
AN: I'm hoping the more I publish, the more people see my story so....
Roman went back inside the house after his phone call and Enna resumed her glaring.
"So who'd you call?" Hope asked.
"My sister" He replied.
"Oh there are more of you? Great" Hope said sarcastically.
"Listen I don't know what's happening here." He said.
"Then let us go." Hope said.
"I can't" He replied. There was a moment of silence before Hayley spoke up.
"Then we'll give Greta what she wants. Call her, and your witch, we'll do the binding spell." she said.
"Perfect." He sighed in relief as he stepped back out.
"Do you think it will work?" Enna asked Hayley.
"I hope so." She said.
"If you want me to, you know" Enna gestured a neck snapping. "Just say the word." She finished. That earned a chuckle from both Hayley and Hope.
"Got it" Hayley replied.
"Alright, the witch is here but my mom still hasn't replied." Roman said as he got back in the room.
"We don't want to do it without her here." Hope said.
"Why not? What difference does it make?" He asked.
"If she wants them to subject themselves to such torture she should have the courage to watch it." Enna told him which brought his attention to her.
"Are you.. bleeding?" He asked as he looked her up and down to see the bite on her arm which she covered with her other hand.
"Why? Can you control yourself or are you a murderous hypocrite?" She asked. He just sighed.
"Giving her blood won't help." He told her before biting his wrist and offering it to her, she shook her head and he just sighed again as he left the room.
"You should have taken it. It would heal the wound." Hayley told her.
"I don't want anything from the man who manipulated Hope and kidnapped us all." She said before Roman came back.
"My mom says that she'll come after at least one of you gets binded." He told them.
"Absolutely not!" Hope and Enna said at the same time.
"You want her here, this is the only way she'll come." Roman told them.
"It's fine girls." Hayley told them. "I'll do it." She told Roman.
The witch was marking Hayley on her hand with the piping hot moonstone as she chanted while Hayley gasped and groaned in pain. Hope and Enna tried to block out her yells.
"It's a.... piece of cake." Hayley reassured as she panted when the witch stopped burning her right hand.
"Liar" Hope said. The with started to get up again preparing to mark Hayley's forehead as the girls faces grew increasingly concerned.
"Look away girls. Girls, look away." She told them. The girls started to turn around. Enna discreetly tried chanting to take away some of Hayley's pain, it didn't do much as Roman couldn't hear the girl over Hayley's screams. Hope and Enna held hands while they tried to block out her yells and keep their own tears at bay. After a while the screams finally stopped as a weak looking Hayley sat in the chair. Enna felt a note in her pocket appear and she discreetly pulled it out so only her and Hope could see.

Inadu's little sister
FanfictionSo we know The Hollow was powerful because of magic imbued into while in utero. We know she was cruel and power hungry but what we didn't know, was that she had a little sister. Enna Labonair was also imbued with magic while in the womb. However it...