Picture Perfect

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Reby's POV

I woke up before the boys did, yay!!! I get the shower first!!! I jumped up and ran for it. I took a shower and blow dried my blond hair. My purple tips were a it faded, I need to dye my hair again. I've never done the same style twice. I put on my ripped skinny jeans, and fall out boys tank top, braiding my hair. I put on my favorite black boots that had studs along the top and a couple of bracelets. One was a silver chain that had half a heart on it, Michael keeps the other half on his key chain. I walked out of the bathroom only to have Liam wiz by me
"YOUR A TURD!" Niall yelled back, I laughed.
"So what's up?" I shrugged.
"Nothing, wanna play twenty questions?"
"Sure" we spent the next tents minutes just asking each other random stuff. Until Liam came out.
"You take as long as a girl" Niall complained, I coughed REALLY loudly.
"You don't take long, your perfectly fine" Niall quickly said before retreating into the bathroom. I laughed.
I looked over at Liam who was starring at me.
"You two so like each other"
"We just met last week!" I exclaimed.
"It's love at first sight for you two" he teased. I rolled my eyes and went on Twitter. I saw that Quinn had tweeted a picture of her and a girl who looked about ten saying how happy she was to be seeing all her fans. I smiled and retweeted it.
"Want to go get breakfast?"
"You want to go get food, without Niall? You do realize that will crush his soul?" I shrugged.
"Okay, I'm in!" I chuckled as we headed out.
We both grabbed a waffle and some bacon as we sat down to eat.
"So where are you from?"
"Sydney, Australia" I stated.
"Really? You don't have the accent"
"I became an exchange student to America when I was sixteen and needed up staying there. That's where I met Quinn" I explained.
"Jerks" Niall mumbled as he sat down with a plate piled with food. We ate and talked a bit.
"Where is everyone else? They do know we have a photo shoot to get to?"
"We're here!" Louis yelled as they all ran over.
"Somebody just had to take their sweet old time!" Louis and Harry glared at Zayn and Quinn.
"You can't rush perfection" Quinn shot back. They ate a quick breakfast before we all piled into the van.

"Finally!" Some dude explained as we walked in.
"Come on, all of you to hair and make up" we were rushed through it all. I think Quinn was pretty happy about it all being quick. She didn't like it when people touched her hair.

"Alright let's just have the boys go first" all the boys headed in front of the white background and started doing some poses.
"Okay, who do you think is the cutest?"
Quinn asked standing beside me.
"Niall" I responded. I thought he was cute, didn't mean my feeling a for him were strong.
"I think Louis is pretty attractive"
"I thought you would pick Zayn"
"He's attractive, but I see him more as a brother" I raised an eyebrow.
"You guys have already developed a pretty strong friendship then"
"Not just any friendship, a beautiful friendship" I laughed.
"Alright now let's do some shots of the girls. Quinn and I moved in front of the camera.
We did some nice ones of us smiling and some goofy ones. We stood back to back making finger guns in one, sticking our tongues out, and I was on Quinn's back at some point.
"Okay, whole group!" The boys ran over and things got crazy. Louis jumped on Quinn's back, Harry did a crazy face with Zayn, and Liam and Niall held me up in the air. We took some of us just smiling. Then we did individual pictures and pairs.
It was really fun.

We headed back into the hotel rooms and all headed Quinn, Zayn, Louis, and Harrys to order pizza and play Xbox. I watched Quinn crush Harry at call of duty of duty, he laid on the floor fake crying.
"Anyone else want to have their butt kicked?"
"Quite the opposite my lady, for it is I who will be kicking your butt" Louis stated being all dramatic as he grabbed a controller.
"If your so confident in your skills then how about a bet? looser has to be the personal slave to the winner for a month"
"Get your apron on little lady, cause I already have a list of chores for you to do" and the game started.
"Hey, you okay?" Niall asked siting beside me.
"Yea, just tired" he nodded.
"What stop are you looking forward to?"
"Nashville, you?"
"Miami, I love the beach" Niall stated, I nodded in agreement.
"I've had only been to Miami once, and that was for the tour of Quinn and I's first album 'The Road is Ahead'" I explained.
"I remember you guys came to Los Angeles when we were there and I wanted to go to your concert but our schedule was to full
"Now you get to see us live all the time!" I exclaimed, Niall laughed.
I turned my head at the sound of a cry of distress. It was Louis, on the ground fake crying, as Quinn showed him no mercy in bragging about her victory.
"No one beats the Xbox queen!!!" Quinn yelled running around the room, we all laughed. Except for Louis was still fake crying.

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