Hey Ben!

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Reby's POV

"London!" Quinn yelled as we got off the plane.
"Must you scream the name of every place we go on this tour?"
"I think it's cute" Louis put in. I rolled my eyes,
"You think everything she does is cute!" Louis stuck his tongue out and grabbed his suitcase. Quinn grabbed her's before he had the chance.
"Ready babe?" I turned to see Niall holding both of our suitcases.
"Niall! You don't have to carry mine"
"Yes I do! It's in the boyfriend rule book!"
"That's doesn't even-" I stopped when I saw Harry holding up a yellow book that had Boyfriend Rule Book  on the front. I mumbled a few not so nice words and everyone laughed.

We headed outside and were picked up by the limo. Can I just say this tour has been amazing! We went all over the U.S. And now we get to go all over Europe!

"Okay! What are the room arrangements?" Harry asked once we got to the hotel.
" Louis, Me, Niall, and Reby in one room. Liam, Harry, Lily, and Zayn in the other" Quinn winked at Lily who glared. What was going on there?
We headed up to our rooms and licked our beds. That was bit more violent then I thought it would be.
"Hey" I looked up from my phone to see Quinn.
"What's up?"
"Wanna go sight seeing with me, we haven't had a besties day in forever!" I giggled and nodded in agreement.
"Where are you girls going?"
"Can we come?" We laughed and Louis and Niall's excitement. Their to cute!
"Sorry boys, it's a besties day!" We left before they could argue.
"What about Lily?"
"We can make it up to her by having a girls day tomorrow at lunch" I nodded and we headed out.

"That is the third store we've gotten kicked out of!" I exclaimed as we ran away from the security. Quinn leaned against a wall as she laughed.
"Best day ever!" I was about to say something when we both got tackled by a group of guys.
"Oi! Get off idiots!" Quinn yelled hitting one of them in the gut.
"So much for a surprise" one of them groaned, wait, I know that voice!
"MICH-" my screaming was stopped when Ashton put his hand over my mouth.
"Shut up! Do you want to be attacked by fan girls?" I shook my head and the hand was removed. I quickly smacked Ashton in the back of the head.
"That's what you get for tackling me!"
"What are you guys even doing here?" Quinn asked as we all got to our feet.
"Here on tour"
"Us too!"
"No, I thought we were on vacation!" I glared at Quinn as she laughed at her own sarcasm.
"Hey! You guys wanna come back to our hotel and jam?"
"Yes! We haven't done that in forever!" Calum exclaimed.
"Hey look! It's Ben! Hi Ben!"
"Stop waving at the clock tower!" Quinn just stuck her tongue out.

We arrived at the hotel, which turned out to be our hotel, and headed up to Michael Luke's room. Quinn grabbed our guitars and came back.
Apparently all the boys were hanging out in Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Lily's room.
"Do guys remember the time we went to New York to see Quinn and Reby after Reby became an exchange student" Luke stated.
"That was the best week ever! We spent the whole day at my house playing instruments" I nodded in agreement.
"Also because we beat up those jerks at your school" Michael put in. He was right, there were some people at school who made fun of my Australian accent and Quinn's unique sense of style, and her hair that was green at the time.

"We should do a concert together while we're here!"
"Ashton I love you!" I yelled.
"I thought you loved me"
"Aw don't worry Mikey, your still my favorite" we hugged and he stopped pouting.
"Just text Simon and he's cool with the concert idea. Says it's good a idea for publicity"Quinn stated.
"Dude, you work fast!" Calum she winked at Luke who chuckled.
"How about we write a new song for the concert?" We all agreed and got to work.

Liam's POV
"Hey Lou, did Reby and Quinn say when they would be getting back?" I asked. Louis shook his head,
"I'm getting kind of worried, Quinn hasn't replied to a single text, and it's been three hours"
"Relax Lou, their having their besties day" Lily put in. The rest of the guys nodded in agreement.
"I'm gonna see if their back" I called before leaving the room. I swear if those girls got into anymore trouble.
As I walked down the hallway I heard singing that sounded awfully familiar. It was coming from the room across the hall from Quinn and Reby's room.
I knocked on the door and the music stopped.
"Liam!" I couldn't help but laugh as Ashton tackled me in a hug.
"Aw darn! Daddy direction found us!" I stepped away from Ashton and clear to Quinn and Reby.
"Alright, what did you two do?"
"Nothing!" I looked at Reby, she would be the easiest one to break if you know what I mean.
"Reby don't tell him!" Quinn pleaded.
"Reby, tell me what you did" Reby groaned in defeat.
" we were kicked out of three stores, chased by security, made a kid drop their ice cream and the got chased by a soccer mom"
"Okay. Your grounded. Quintina, I'm taking away all your seasons of supernatural. Rebbeca, no hair dye. Your things will be returned at the end of the week" they both looked at me in horror.
"Quintina ( pronounced: Quinn-teen-a) isn't even my name!"
"Yes it is" Reby whispered, earning a smack in the head from Quinn.
"Anybody tells Louis and you will die a horrible death"
"Tell Louis what?" Of course Louis and the rest of the guys show up.
"Quinn secretly loves-"
"Mine craft!"
"My little pony!"
"Luke!" Quinn groaned.
"You all suck at covering things up!" She exclaimed. Louis just shook his head and walked out. Dang, I think that last one got to him. I know he still has trust issues since Eleanor, but did he honestly think Quinn would do that to him? I said goodbye to the group and found Louis on his room.
"Alright, tell daddy direction what's on your mind" he chuckled as I sat beside him on the bed.
"I don't know, I want to trust Quinn completely, but I can't help but be hesitant" I nodded in understanding.
"Look, I was talking to Zayn the other day. He told me that Quinn was hesitant about being in a relationship as well. That she had bad experiences with guys in the past"
"What kind of experiences?"Louis asked, the concern obvious in his tone. I shook my head,
"Zayn didn't say. Said he doesn't even know cause Quinn won't say. Maybe if you talked with her about Eleanor you might feel better about the situation" Louis nodded.
"Thanks for the pep talk daddy direction" I laughed.

Quinn's POV
"Okay, I think we've practiced enough" I stated setting down my guitar. Everyone groaned in response.
"What do you want to do now?"
"I'm going to bed! Don't want to pass out on stage!"
"Again!" I glared at Reby who laughed.
I said night to the boys, Reby decided to stay up a little later.
I entered our room to see Niall and Louis already in bed. I grabbed some pjs and changed in the bathroom. I climbed in bed next to Louis, who instantly wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Do you wanna get coffee tomorrow morning, before you go to sound check" Louis whispered.
"Sure, Starbucks is just down the street" he smiled and kissed my forehead before we fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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