Chapter three

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'Oh no, get down there! Right now! Miss Meredith Grey, don't you dare jump into that water! We've been through this before, remember?' Taylor's finger points accusingly at the white ball of fur perched dangerously close to the edge of the bathtub.

Taylor lunges to grab the cat, but- oh no. There goes her peaceful midnight bath.

'Seriously, Mere?' She whines, rescuing the soaked cat from the foamy depths of the tub, holding her at arm's length while frantically searching for a towel.


'You have literally no reason to be mad at me right now. And you - no, stay here, I need to get you dry - know that you're not supposed to be in here. It's not safe for tiny kitty cats.'


'Yeah, whatever. But don't think I'm not annoyed with you, Miss. The water will be cold by the time you're dry, and I really needed that bath after today, you know.'

Taylor plugs in the hairdryer, and Meredith endures the hot blow with a mix of despair and combativeness, digging her claws into Taylor's leg, which elicits a short shriek from the blonde.

Eventually, though, Taylor manages to free the cat from her misery, carrying her to the living room and ensuring that Meredith is safely nestled into her favorite spot. With a sigh, Taylor returns to her bath, aiming to drown her worries in its warmth (or what's left of it) - no alcohol this time. At least there's that.

Taylor doesn't know how long she's been asleep, but her aching bones and the water's temperature suggest it's been a while.

Keeping her eyelids closed, she wishes to fall back into that mind-stilled haven from which her subconscious has roused her. Despite her efforts, she can't quite grasp the substance of her dream, though it had to be a pleasant one. She's sure of it. Taylor feels content; peaceful.

She catches the faint scent of a burned-out candle lingering, her fingers blindly fumbling for her phone. Taylor squints at the brightness. A few blurry notifications pop up on her screen.



I scheduled a few meetings. Check your calendar!


Era's Ensemble 💃🪩

Kameron S.

Note: Jan switches in block 4 to position B (marked).

Note: Natalie's backstage position changed to C1.

Just to make sure everyone is up to date.

Natalie R.




one missed call

whEere are. ou???


And then-

Taylor blinks rapidly. What the actual fuck.





It takes Taylor embarrassingly long to react.

She remembers blocking this number once, but she also recalls that one particular drunk night when, after breaking down in a random party's bathroom, she found herself home alone, tipsy, still in love, and aching just a little bit too much for the way Karlie used to make her feel. It was then that Taylor decided to unblock her - just in case.

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