Chapter four

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Taylor throws her face into her palms, prompting a quick glance from the red-haired woman over the edge of her folder. Both are seated in Taylor's kitchen, which Tree had commandeered for an early-morning emergency meeting. Turns out, it's less of an emergency and more of an inevitable discussion - not quite to Taylor's delight. She hates it.

'Treeee, you don't understaaand,' Taylor whines from across the table, much louder than necessary.

The other woman's face, however, remains blank, seemingly not particularly impressed. She's grown to ignore the blonde's dramatics. 'You're right, I absolutely don't,' Tree says, not even bothering to look up from her papers. 'It's not the first time that your public partner isn't a hundred percent gay. So, why is that an issue now?'

'Because after what happened with Joe, I just don't think it's a good idea.'

'I still don't see the problem.' Tree shrugs. 'Today's circumstances are completely different. You weren't in a good mental space back then, and Joe was by your side. It's natural to bond with someone in such a vulnerable state. Just because it started out as contractual doesn't mean your relationship wasn't real or valid.'

'I know that, but, like, how could our feelings have ever been healthy? I mean, they literally developed as a result of a contract, for god's sake. Our whole relationship was meant to break, and I simply fear experiencing the same shit with Travis.'

Tree sighs. 'So, apart from the fact that your relationship with Joe actually lasted four years, you're saying you would consider it a possibility for you to develop feelings for Travis? Honey, first of all, are we talking about the same person?'

'Seriously?' Taylor scowls over at Tree. 'I think that possible attraction makes this entire arrangement - and bearding in general - way more complicated than it needs to be, and in this case,' another scowl, 'it's not my feelings I'm concerned about. It's his.'

One more sigh. 'Okay, so let me get this straight. You're worried about Travis not keeping his libido in check, which could ultimately lead to damage in the public relation?' Amusement paints Tree's face.

'Something like that, yes.' Taylor's neck burns.

'And you're so well-versed in his libido, because...?'

'He told me.'

Thankfully, Tree has now regained her usual professional demeanor, sparing Taylor from further embarrassment.

'Jesus, Taylor. What am I going to do with you?' Tree ponders, massaging the bridge of her nose before she leans back in her seat. 'Listen, Taylor, the only advice I can offer you right now is this: for once, stay out of his business. I totally understand where you're coming from, but that really isn't something you should worry about. I assume that Travis was fully aware of the risks when he signed the contract. If there truly are feelings on his part, then it's entirely his responsibility to deal with them and to make sure that this happens on a purely professional basis. Anything else is unacceptable. As long as it stays that way, and as long as your own emotions towards him don't change, I see no reason to reconsider the agreement.' A meaningful glare. 'Obviously, that requires you to keep me up to date. About everything.'

Taylor bites her lip, starting to count the dark brown dents in her table.

'Oh Christ, just say it. What crucial information should I definitely be aware of that most likely don't care about, but absolutely have to smooth over?'

'I... kind of talk to Karlie again,' Taylor slowly admits, uncertainty lacing her tone.

Whatever Tree expected, this was not it.

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