The Unacceptable

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The Unacceptable 

Carrie was currently located in the basement of her rather expansive house, where several candles had been set up in a five pointed star pattern on the ground, a picture of Gumball in the center. This wasn't a shrine dedicated to him though, no, Carrie was attempting to perform an evocation ritual to summon his spirit. It was a bit unpalatable, but she had several reasons for doing something so unorthodox, and possibly taboo too. A good majority of the reason was because she missed him and wanted to see him again herself, but a vast majority of the reason was for her boyfriend, Darwin. After the events that went down a few days ago Darwin had begun spiraling like a pencil thrown off the Empire State Building, having been crying continuously and intensely with loss at Gumball's fate; same as the rest of his family. Carrie had tried to be there for him, even going so far as to not attend school either, same as him and Anais, opting to instead stay with Darwin in the room he and Gumball had shared. However, even her presence didn't seem to help all that much, Darwin merely holding her tightly and crying as they sat on Gumball's bed, Darwin not even having the fortitude to take refuge in his fish bowl. Several times Darwin had just cried himself to sleep, and it was during one such incident that Carrie had slipped away and returned home, determined to find something that would alleviate her boyfriend's distress. She couldn't stand to see him this way anymore.

Carrie was usually all for depression and melancholy, but the scale that Gumball's loss had instilled in so many who were close to him (and not just Darwin) was too much, even for her.

So she had decided to summon him from “beyond”. Given Gumball's current “company” it stood to reason that Green would undoubtedly end Gumball's life eventually, especially considering how thoroughly Gumball had outfoxed him, as well as how he had defied him. And Carrie didn't just intend to commune with Gumball's deceased spirit either. No, the evocation she was invoking was meant to bring him forth and allow him to manifest as a ghost. But, unlike the average, every… year ghost that can only cross over to the world of the living on Halloween, Gumball would have an anchorage to this world that would keep him here indefinitely, as well as provide him with a means to be seen by others. Gumball would pretty much be like her.

Sure, he'd be a ghost, but he'd be back with them again and surely everyone would want that, even him.

But there was a problem. Carrie had performed the evocation multiple times already and nothing had happened. The only reason for that was that Gumball must not be dead yet, and Carrie didn't know if that was a comfort or a concern. If Gumball was still alive within that place Green calls home what state was he in by now? Green didn't come off as a very good host, so what could he be doing to Gumball right now? Especially provoked and vengeful, which he undoubtedly was. But Carrie wasn't going to give up, willing to stay before these burning candles, so the moment Gumball was put out of the misery he was likely experiencing at the moment Carrie could call him back and return him to them.

Suddenly, just as Carrie was about to scatter more of the supernatural powder that was meant to initiate the evocation over the picture of Gumball, there was the sound of clattering metal from above. Looking up, Carrie gritted her intangible teeth in frustration. On occasion, people would trespass into her house, the cliche victims of the “go into the local haunted house” dare, and usually Carrie would just drive them out by scaring the living daylights out of them (either by levitating random things or possessing them), but tonight she has no patience for such tomfoolery. Whoever had entered her house this time was going to be met with a very irate ghost girl that's just going to up and demand they leave, with promises of dire consequences if they don't comply.

With a growl of frustration, Carrie popped out of the basement in a flash of her teleportation ability, reappearing in her room in the attic…where she found Penny rummaging through her things.

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