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Hello Hello, fellow travelers! I am the author with you and I will be graciously happy to hear any feedback you have on my stories. If you would like to ask questions, I have DMs open, and would love to answer them! That being said, I have a few things to say.

Go read the book description if you havent already. I mean everything I say there, and by reading past here, you're aknowledging everything I said there.

Yes I know the Changed game. No, I have not genuinely played it yet, nor will I in the near future. This story is not another retelling of the same game playthrough. I just want to make a genuinely unique story based on changed.

I also will not be following conventional character roles from Changed, but still using their traits. For example, K is a turned bioscientist that tries to stop you from escaping (correct me if im wrong). In my story, I will use K, but let them fit a different role, keeping their sort-of backstory.

I do include sexual acts. I do not make these things vital or important to the story though, so feel free to skip them if you dont want to read it. Since this story is in development, and im writing this as of 9/4/2024, I will for sure be including smut at some point.

If you have an idea for something you would like to drop into the story (like your oc or some event idea you have) or otherwise would like a oneshot to be published, just ask! DM me what you'd like and i'll see what I can do. If it is too out of place, I wont bite you, i'll just suggest some tweaking or just calmly refuse. It never hurts to ask.

Linking in with 5 alot, minor note for 6.
I am a bitch for small roleplays. If you want to see how your concept might play out in the book setting, just toss out a starter in my DMs and ill play it out for ya.

Without further ado, let us begin!

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