Chapter-6 A Web of Surprises

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Rudraksh couldn't shake off the feeling that something had shifted inside him after his encounter with Vaidehi. He sat in the quiet of his room, staring at the ceiling, replaying the events of the day in his mind. Vaidehi's words, her shy yet sincere confession, had echoed in his thoughts ever since he left the college grounds. He found himself smiling, something he hadn't done in a while, especially not because of someone else.

She's different, he mused, his thoughts swirling around her like a vortex. She's not like the others-there's something genuine about her. But why does that make me feel... like this? The thought was unsettling, almost foreign to him. He had never been the type to dwell on someone he had just met, let alone someone who seemed so unguarded, so open.

Rudraksh rose from his chair, walking over to the window. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the garden outside, but his mind was far from peaceful. Why did she affect me this way? He knew he had to find out more about her-who she really was, where she came from, what made her tick.

Reaching for his phone, he dialed a number he rarely used. His voice was calm, measured, as he spoke to the person on the other end. "I need you to gather some information for me. It's important."

The voice on the other side acknowledged the request, and Rudraksh continued, "Her name is Vaidehi Aggarwal. She's a first-year student at our college, and she's recently become friends with my sister, Isha. I want to know everything-her family background, her interests, any connections she might have. I need this information as soon as possible."

After ending the call, Rudraksh leaned back, lost in thought. What am I doing? he questioned himself, but the answer was already clear. Vaidehi had sparked something in him, a curiosity that wouldn't let him rest until he knew more about her. And as much as he wanted to dismiss it as a passing interest, he knew it was more than that. He was intrigued, and that was enough to make him act.


Meanwhile, Isha was busy planning her own little scheme. She had been with Vaidehi all morning, and the two had quickly hit it off, much to her delight. Vaidehi was funny, smart, and easy to talk to-everything Isha had hoped to find in a friend. But as they discussed their upcoming college project, Isha couldn't help but think of a little surprise she could plan for her new friend.

"Hey, Vaidehi," Isha said casually as they walked towards the college canteen. "How about we work on our project at my place this weekend? It'll be quieter, and we won't have any distractions."

Vaidehi, who had been happily chatting about the project, nodded enthusiastically. "That sounds great! I was just thinking about how noisy it gets in the library sometimes."

Isha grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Perfect. Let's say Saturday afternoon? We can work on the project and maybe hang out a bit afterwards."

Vaidehi agreed, not suspecting anything out of the ordinary. What she didn't know was that Isha was deliberately keeping one crucial detail from her-who she lived with. Isha could hardly contain her excitement at the thought of how surprised Vaidehi would be when she found out that Rudraksh, the very person she had been crushing on, was her brother.

This is going to be epic, Isha thought to herself, already imagining Vaidehi's reaction. She had seen how flustered Vaidehi got around Rudraksh, and this would be the perfect opportunity to playfully tease her about it.

Saturday came around faster than Vaidehi had expected. She spent the morning nervously checking over her notes, making sure she had everything she needed for the project. She hadn't been to Isha's house before, and the idea of working on the project in a new environment made her a little anxious. But she quickly brushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the excitement of hanging out with her new friend.

She arrived at Isha's place a little before noon, taking in the large, elegant house with wide eyes. Wow, Isha never mentioned how fancy her house is, Vaidehi thought as she walked up the driveway, clutching her bag tightly.

She rang the doorbell, her heart thumping with a mix of excitement and nerves. She wasn't sure what to expect, but she hoped everything would go smoothly.

The door swung open, and Vaidehi's heart stopped. Standing in front of her, looking equally surprised, was none other than Rudraksh Singhania.

For a moment, neither of them spoke. Vaidehi's mind raced, trying to process what was happening. What is Rudraksh doing here? Did I come to the wrong house?

"Rudraksh?" she finally managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper.

Rudraksh blinked, clearly taken aback. "Vaidehi? What are you doing here?"

Before Vaidehi could answer, Isha appeared behind Rudraksh, a wide grin on her face. "Oh, hey Vaidehi! I see you've met my brother, Rudraksh."

Vaidehi's jaw dropped. "Your brother?"

Isha nodded, looking far too pleased with herself. "Yep! Didn't I mention that? Oops, must have slipped my mind."

Vaidehi could only stare in shock as the pieces clicked into place. No wonder Rudraksh seemed so familiar-he was Isha's brother! And all this time, she had been clueless.

Rudraksh, on the other hand, was quick to recover from his initial surprise. A small smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he stepped aside to let Vaidehi in. "Well, this just got interesting."

Vaidehi walked in, her mind still reeling from the unexpected turn of events. She had come here thinking it would be a simple project session, but now she was standing in Rudraksh's house, completely unprepared for what was to come next.

Isha, meanwhile, couldn't stop giggling. "Come on, Vaidehi, don't look so shocked! Let's get started on the project."

As they moved into the living room, Vaidehi couldn't help but steal a glance at Rudraksh, who was watching her with an unreadable expression. Her heart pounded in her chest, knowing that the next few hours were going to be anything but ordinary.


Let's see how Vaidehi will handle being in such close proximity to Rudraksh now that she knows he's Isha's brother. 😉


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