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" What's the rush? I thought you wanted something... you know, Newer. "

Your father escorted you to the auto dealership, scratching his head in confusion.

" It's getting cold outside. I oughta get a good car, not a flashy one. "

" That's my girl. Always thinking ahead. " The door opened just wide enough for you to scurry through, and your father trailed behind lazily.

" Besides, I'm at that age where consistency is more valuable than flare. "

The man at the front desk flashed a handsome, bright smile as you two approached. " Hello, there. Are you in store for a vehicle today? "

" Yes. Otherwise we might be lost. "

His dark hair was very short, and gelled back in a professional manner. Once he arose, you got the full look of his nice tailored suit. This place paid well, good thing your Dad was here. Otherwise a chunk of your money might've been going to another suit just like that.

" No worries, you've come to the right place. Can I get a name? And are you looking for something specific? "

It took way less time than you assumed. Your father also needed to be present as he had possessed something you didn't; a credit card.

While the employee walked about, collecting paperwork, he sat and discussed with you the ins-and-outs of the supposed credit. It seemed he couldn't help but tell you the lengths in which it was wise to have it. Purchasing large items such as an automobile, or a house, would prepare you for a future forever.

Obviously you were still in season to pay him back, but apparently with a card like the one he had, he'd accept a little less than what's agreed upon officially as a thank you for helping tend to his score.

You carefully read and signed each paper and listened to the direction of not only the dealer, but from those around you and pamphlets laying in the waiting area. Car maintenance was fairly easy nowadays, with the new power steering system, things went much smoother.

" And here is the key, to your brand new automobile. " The dealer came back with a singular key on a ring. You couldn't help the smile that crawled onto your face once your father reappeared.

" How do you like it? We can drive it off the lot, if you'd like. "

And you chose to do so, feeling like an entirely new person with your car.


November, December.

Had time always gone this fast?

It hardly seemed like your new car had been parked in the lot for more than a week.

But alas, when you counted on your fingers it had been nearly 24 days already. Lord knows time was going by too quick.

The paycheck came at the end of the month; it was a clean, even $210, which hadn't been bad at all. You began working quite harsh hours to ease the process of moving out before May. Once the car was paid off, your savings had dwindled embarrassingly. Which spurred an almost obsession with working and being away from home. That might've been why you weren't so tuned into the news nowadays.

For hours you were occupied tailoring and fixing pieces up for folk, feeling proud yet disgustingly tired after a sound day of work. It was the mental aspect that wore you out so badly. The false cheery attitude, the nasty remarks when something is not up to par, the pricking of fingers. At-least you weren't coal mining. But during this time of the year, everyone was having their coats slimmed after a round of summer weight loss. (Only to have them readjusted after easter..)

Whew, what a life this was. The shop keeper's choice of music was simple Sinatra, and though it suited the season, it made you feel a bit.. hollow. All of the men in town were either helplessly chased away by your suitor, married - Deeply married, with kids - or drafted in battle. In these past years, rekindling with one has been a rough process. You'd no doubt have shallow luck getting a date when it was already cold outside, and this fact was just miserable. Maybe you could move states.


" Perry! Martins! Pretty boy! "

They all lined up accordingly without much problem except for a tense sigh from one person. However, orders were orders. They lined up at-face.

" You need to have your belongings packed and fit to exit within the next week! Bags, now -- If you leave one piece of clothing here, I'll make you wear it while you run suicides. "

As opposed to having a thick southern accent like most sergeants, his was glaringly British. Once the commander was finished spitting orders at them through his posh mouth, they were free to slump back in their living quarters and sort-of start doing what was asked. However, there was still an entire month left to worry about their clothes and such.

" I hope we're back for Christmas. "

" I don't have doubt that we will be. "

" That's a relief. I can't wait to hug my kids. "

" Kids?! " Lee was flabbergasted. Someone his age already had not just one, but multiple children. He needed to get some pointers from him.

" Two boys. " James added, " Both look just like their mother. Oh, how I miss her especially. "

" How come you never told us about her? "

" I get jealous real easily, boys. I'm sure you understand. "

" I do. " Lee added, a bit to quickly. " There's just something I don't trust about females. I wish I knew what they were thinking so I could just help them. "

" You've got to think like one. " he gestured for his companion to move closer, "It's not hard. Think of her as a mirror. Monkey see, monkey do. Buy her flowers, she'll put food on the table... Get her a ring and she'll get to showing you something. "

" That doesn't work with these stinkin' new dames. All they wanna do is work, drive and talk on the phone. "

" Oh, And if they don't, they act like they're too good for a man. "

" Common law: Illustrate how badly she's behaving until it gets through. If she's good, and has always listened to her father, she'll listen well. "

" I'm hopin' for it. Otherwise I might have to use some force. "

They laughed cruelly. " Force always works. How you get the job done. "

" I wouldn't want her crying all around the city like a hurt dog. "

" Keeping their mouths shut is real easy. But really, only do that as your last resort. There's always plenty of other single fish around to play with. "

Everyone else wrinkled their nose at the term 'play with', as if it were too juvenile for them. But they nodded accordingly.

That night, as Lee lay in bed.. he felt restless. It was nearly midnight no doubt, but he was nervous about the future. Downright anxious. What if you didn't like the change - preferred the small, polite version of himself? His brows slowly unknit as he flipped over. You'd just have to suck it up, then.

When You're Young And In Love | Yandere!Male x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now