Monsters University!✧

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Hey! I hope you read my character introduction and liked my OC :)
You can also see the glasses I 'professionally' edited XD I was gonna show you the hairstyle but I can't add another photo
I hope you also enjoy my first chapter, I pray this goes well lol
Note: I didn't know weather I should put this as 'I' instead of saying 'You'?
Enjoy! ( • ̀ω•́ )✧


You sighed rather loudly as you stood at the gates, your glass covered eyes looking over the busy and hecktic crowds with a worried and uneasy expression....

Your probebly wondering where you are, but its a little obvious isn't it? I mean, today IS the new term for the school of Monsters University....

Oh how you were dreading it! I mean: just look at all these students! You were never a social butterfly in new places like these, so this was just a complete horror movie for a female monster of your age

Giving one last glance up at the proud silver gates of MU, you took a big breath and began on your way up the large path that seemed to stretch on for miles

Clutching the few books you had pressed to your chest you let your curious eyes glide over the scenery, even if you were a nervous wreck you couldn't stop your amazment, even just looking at everything made you want to touch it, a bad habit you had grown over all of these years

If you're wondering where your bags and luggage are, they're in your dorm, you had yours shipped in early this morning and placed on your bed, it wasn't a hard thing to convince the staff to do it for you, your Aunt was the Headmistress after all.....

You pushed your blue and grey glasses further up your nose, you didn't necessarily need these, only for reading, but you just felt more covered while wearing them, feeling as though no one would recognise the 'Cheshire Cat'

Now, as I can already expect, your wondering why you're covering up. Well, to start it of, as I'd mentioned before you were the 'Cheshire Cat' that's your breed and code name, you were special, there was only one of your kind in excistance, there had never before been a Cheshire Cat and that's how it would stay, and of course this only increased your excistance, meaning that EVERYONE knew or had heard about the Cheshire Cat...urgh what a bother...

It wasn't exactly a bad thing, people thankfully never treated you like celebrity or anything, you were just very well known and concidered important

But you still weren't pleased with the idea of everyone being all over you yet, you'd give it time before revealing yourself.

You slowed your walking to a stop before pulling out a little slip of paper from the front of your pile of books, it was a small checklist so that you could get yourself sorted, your head was so jumbled up with nervs that a checklist was definitely necessery

You read aloud the first thing on your checklist:

1) get registered

Wait, you thought you ticked all these of? You had already gotten registered and everything by your Aunt, if you got registered like other monsters you would have to give out your identity and that wouldn't be good since it would obviously get around that Rin Cheshire was in Monsters University

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