Chapter7: body pain

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Kevin pointed to a pair of boxing gloves. " how much experience of fighting so you have?"

" Not much. I did judo and karate a few years ago." I slipped my hand into the soft gloves.

" Ok, well that's get started." the few couple of minutes he went easy. then he got fast, he nailed me every time. I dropped to the mat.

I wanted to win at least one! I was covered in sweat. and my body was aching. I didn't give up though, didn't matter how much pain I was in I never stopped.

I also got agile and fast, I got him in a lock but he over powered me by his strength.

My body hit the floor hard. I laid on the mat. Kevin extended his arm.

I grabbed it and he pulled me up, I almost went flying.

" I got to say, your a real fighter. that's good. you have a fire, anger. it helps when your going to fight your opponent."

He gave me a pat on the back. I took off the glove, my hand was so sweaty and sticky. it was nasty.

I groaned in pain of my body. Hunter blasted through the room and came towards me. he looked at Kevin.

" Look at her! I told you to take it easy!" He yelled at him. I could barley even stand up, my legs were waddling Like jello.

" I did go easy, but she wouldn't give up." Hunter was up in his face, he clutched his shirt and pulled him downward. " I don't care, if I see her like this one more time.... I will kill you."

Hunters eyes were red, I had forgotten he was half vampire. when he let go of his shirt and he growled loudly. "never again."

Hunter came towards me and scooped me up like ice cream. I put my tired arms around his neck. my legs dangling over his arm.

" I'm sorry for this Emily, your not a werewolf so your body isn't as strong. I can't believe your not that hurt."

In one of the punches I think I sprained my arm but I knew if I told him he would get mad and kill Kevin.

I kept my mouth shut tight. we got to my room and he set me on the bed.
" I'm going to get you something for the pain." Hunter also at ran to the bathroom to get a pain reliever.

" Does anything hurt?" He asked. I shook my head in a "no" but he knew when I was lying.

" Your in pain and you won't tell me." He looked at me with sad eyes.

" My body hurts." I took a deep breath and tried to hold it in. " why do i feel worse."

" It's normal that your muscles will hurt when you exercise love." he stroked my hair.

He laid next to me, I looked up into his eyes. there were now lighter, almost a green.

" In one of the chapters about wolfs it said, when the moon is full they will find there way. what does that mean?"

" It means that whatever happens mates will always find each other. they will never give up."

He kissed my forehead and kept playing with my golden hair. my body slowly felt better. I scooted upwards to him. Hunter traced my face with his finger.

" Your so beautiful." he said in a whisper. his breathing went heavy, and unsteady. he almost growled, " what's wrong?"

He got off the bed and paced around the room. " I want you! So badly, but I can't have you fully. I just want to be every moment with you!"

he punched the table which he now broke. I got up and went to were he was.

I wrapped my arms around his torso.
" I am yours." Hunter slowly turned.
Suddenly I see my self nailed against the wall.

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