Chapter6: dreaming

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I opened my morning eyes. I still felt a warm body next to mine. my heart thumped joy.

I looked up to see Hunter snoring away. his arm was my waist leg intertwined with mine and his head in the creek of my neck.

I tried to wiggle out of his grip. each time moved he tightened his arm around me. I faced him, his messy hair all over the place. Hunters hair was more brown then blonde.

I stared at his features. I noticed something, the had a scar on jaw down to his shoulder. I never even saw that before. I touched the dead tissue and I got tingles that ran up to my fingers down my spine.

" It happened when I was in the war, fighting for the pack." His voice was husky and sad.

It made me jump when he spoke. I looked up at his face, his eyes piercing into my soul.

" How did you sleep?" He asked.
" good." I have never slept that safe before. when my parents were around we weren't rich but we weren't poor either.

My dad owned money to the bank. the bank took away our house and any property we had.

Things started to get tight. we didn't have enough money to do anything.

My dad tried to get a job but no one wanted to hire him. then one magical day he comes to the motel with a case, filled with money.

Half a million. my parents were so happy with all money but it worried me from who he had to pay back.

1 year goes by and my dad starts saying we have to have to move to be safe, he never told us anything about who he had borrowed from. that was that got him self killed, for money.

The guy he owed to followed us to a house my parents bought in Panama. My mom hid me in the closet and I still remember what she had said. " no matter what you see or hear. don't come out, I love you."

Those last 3 words, I will always remember. they killed them, in front of me. a 12 year old shouldn't go through something like that.

" Today you start training and learning. we have a compound behind the house, you will go each and every day."

Hunter took me out of my past memory. he got up and raised an eye brow. " can I ask you something?" He said.

" Shoot." he crossed his arms. " how is it that your only 17 and you were attending a university?"

" I Got a lot of good grades and studied really hard. so I just skipped grades."

He made an O with his mouth. " then your a smart person." he gave me a crooked smile.

" Something like that." he walked over to me and kissed my forehead. " lets go get up. your going to be late."

I slowly got up. " here are your clothes that you will be wearing. I will see you down stairs in the dining room. 15 minutes." I nodded and he left.

I entered the bath room or I thought it was. just the bathroom its self is bigger than my room back at the apartment.

The mirror was huge ! every girl wishes to have a huge mirror!! The shower was all made of glass, the floor was made from black marble. this was so COOL.

I grabbed a towel and went to the shower. the water was warm, it felt so good. the warmth almost reminded me of Hunter.

I finished talking the shower and put my training cloths on. they were black skinny leggings with a tight black long sleeve under armor.

When I done changing I put my hair in a ponytail and headed down stairs.

I had no idea where to go. this place was so big! There was a maid cleaning one of the rooms.

" Excuse me m'am, do you know we're the dinning room is?" The old lady turned around and smiled. she had no teeth, it me smile to.

She grabbed my hand and wrapped it around hers. the old woman took me to a huge double doors. "is this it?" She nodded and kept smiling.

" Thank you." I giggled and gave her a soft pad on her arm.

I entered the room. there was a few people seated, at the end of the table there was Hunter.

He stood up and pulled the chair out that closest to him. I walked over and took a seat. The dining room was very big, nicely decorated with ancient art.

" So what will you have to eat?" A waiter dressed in white and black asked. " an energy bar and orange juice please." he wrote it down.

" Ok thank you miss,coming right up."
I nodded. there was so much food on the table like steak, ribs, eggs, pancakes, sandwiches, ham and some other kind of meat.

I started paying attention to everyone's eating. Hunter was eating ever piece of meat on the table.

I was so surprised by this. " we are wolfs love, we have to eat a lot of meat to survive."

I raised an eye brow. the waiter came came with two energy bars and a pitch of orange juice. damn ! He set everything on the table.

I smiled awkwardly. " thank you.." I looked at his name tag. " Leo."

I heard a growl, it was Hunter. he was literally breathing Down his neck.
" Hunter sit back Down." I said firmly. I get that the male wolf  is super protective of there mate but this, the poor guy didn't even do anything.

"Hunter ! Sit. back. down." he was stubborn, his growing lowered and he took a seat. " I'm very sorry about that Leo, carry on with your day."

Leo almost ran out of here. I crossed my arms and looked at Hunter.

" What?" He shrugged while holding a ham leg. " you need to calm down." he rolled his eyes and went on eating.

After breakfast/ lunch. Hunter showed me to the training room.

There were punching bags, weights and a boxing ring in the middle. there were two guys in the ring fighting.

One punch and he was out. the same guy came over to Hunter and me.
" Emily meet Kevin, your trainer." he was so built up his vain wanted to pop out.

" Let's begin." His voice deep. I'm going to die here.

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Until next time~ Kimberly.

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