Chapter11: Run.

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It was a week of recovery. I was feeling sturdy, in a weird way. Hunter spends the most time in here with me.

I get nightmares and can't sleep, every night Hunter comes in and he will sleep with me so I wouldn't get scared.

The room I was in was all white, padded. It was always cold, or I think that was just me.

Hunter didn't say much of what had happened to me but I guess he doesn't want to worry me.

There was a tinted glass In front of the room that's were they monitor how I'm doing and how I'm proceeding.

" EMILY!!" A cute little voice said. I jumped up in joy to see him. " hey buddy, I missed you."

Hunter stood at the door and just looked at me with a boyish smile.
" why are you in here?" James asked.

" well, I got sick and now I'm trying really hard to get better. So I can see you all the time . "

He gave me a tight hug. We talked about all the things he did in school he even brought me a picture he drew me. It was of me.

I don't remember having a triangle body but I loved it.

James had to leave and go back to school. The doctor came in..

" well you can leave by the end of the day today." He said. Finally! I wanted to sleep in my bed so bad.

Hunter came in again and held my hand. " your getting out of these ugly white walls, promise." I gave him a weak smile.

I probably look like crap. Hunter gave me a kiss and a tight a hug.

Hunter and the doctor left.. I was alone again.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep or just relax.

I ran so fast, my legs were hurting. We got the safe house. My mom grabbed my arm and we both ran upstairs. We entered a room. There was a closet.

" honey, stay here. Don't come out till every person is out of the house... I love you."

She locked me in the closet. I could see threw the little key hole. I didn't say a word.

Two men with guns busted in. " get on the floor and face the wall!" They yelled at my mother.

My mother did as told . One of the holding the gun to her head laughed. He was tall, deep voice. Those are the only features I got from him.

I couldn't see his face. He pulled the trigger.. I almost screamed but I knew my family had given there life to protect me. Tears ran down my cheek.

What could a 12 year old do. " where the girl?"

" leader didn't say to kill the girl just the parents.. Let's get out of here and go to the bar." They both left.

I ran out of the closet and held my mother. I cried and cried.. The pain I felt..

" Emily! Wake up babe come on!" I opened my eyes. My breathing was unsteady and my heart was pounding against my chest..

" what happened." I asked. I whipped  away a fallen tear. " you were having a nightmare, again." The doctor said.

" help her." Hunter growled at the doctor. His chest vibrated, he held me in his arms. I leaned closer and closer the warmth of his body was conferring.

He stopped growing and held me tighter. " the only thing that can help with the nightmares is you Hunter You two are mates so the bond between you can heal each other."

" I wanna go to my room." I yawned. Hunter carried me up. "Where are you going?" The doctor asked

" to her room." He carried me all the way up the stairs and put me in bed.

" thanks.." I got under all the covers. Hunter slowly did the same.

" listen, I know you've been threw a lot these couple of days but.. I need to mark you." I raised an eyebrow. I was to tired to figure any of this stuff out.

I sat up and tied my hair back. " if we are going to talk about all this wolf stuff. Let me shower and get a cup of coffee when I get out. Ok?" Before I could finish Hunter was out the door.

I snuck into his room and got one of his shirts. They always smelled so good!

I took a long shower. I just wanted to scrub away everything that happened..

I got dried and clothed. When I came out Hunter was waiting with a nice warm cup of coffee.

Hunter smirked." What?" I said. I was wearing his shirt with a pair of gym shorts.

" you look hot in that shirt." I giggled and sat down. " ok so, mating thing." He took a deep breath.

" we have to mate. The Lycans were the ones that put that poison in you. If we don't mate, our body's will get weaker by every day that passes. If we mate then we will get stronger and undefeated."

I remembered reading some of this in the Old Leather Book.

" I want to go slow, and start off with just bite mark. You will be marked and that means that other werewolfs know that you have a mate. But that also means that we will have only a week to mate." I nodded.

" being mated will be hard.. Mostly with the Lycans always trying to kill us."

I laughed. His eyes were soulful and I felt peace.

" one more thing.. You know what just forget it." Now I curious.

" what tell me." Hunter hung his head.

" I know about your parents.. They weren't killed because they owed money.. They were killed by the Lycans. The leader has witches that can see the future and the witch saw that you would be my mate.. So he wanted to kill everyone you ever cared about. I'm sorry."

That hit me like a rock.

" does that mean I will lose you and James too." I said facing away from from him. Hunter was by my side in seconds. " you will never lose anyone again."

I hugged him close.

" that's why we have to leave. Far away from here, if we want to be happy.. But James, he has a family. His grandparents live on a farm in Nebraska. I don't want a little kid being hurt in all of this."

My heart shattered but I knew he was right. I needed to let him go, as much as it pained me.

" lets runaway." I said.

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Until next chapter~ Kimberly.

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