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Hello everyone, I am Palak. My first ever story !!!!!!

So I have been wanting to write a fanfic since a year but had no motivation plus writing is so not my thing lol but I have like so many plots or thousands of ideas going on in my mind and so suddenly a few weeks ago I had this idea and wanted to write a one shot but then I kept writing and I thought why not make it a short book.

Also like 90% of this is me, while 10% is AI

Plus I myself don't like typos and tried my best that there aren't any so I hope you guys don't find any mistakes.(if you do find and want to let me know,I'll correct them)

And for trigger warnings, I have no idea what could be triggering, the ones I can think of, I'll put them in starting of the chapter itself.

I hope you guys like it.

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