Chapter 14

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The...thing  was circling us. Its claw-like tentacles were snaking their way towards us slowly, like playing with its food. N was missing, which meant Uzi and I would either have to run now or we'd...

"Easier to assimilate than explain," the robotic voice said as Uzi and I turned to see tentacles slithering in from behind us.

Uzi pointed her gun at what I think were the eyes of the robot. "Not happening."

"Fair, but poor choice," it said as it lowered the head of what used to be J.

It was the same, with the glowing yellow headband, silver hair in pigtails, and a screen for the face. But the major chance was the obvious missing body of J. Long, teeth-like spikes protruded from inside, black oil dripping from them.

"Now we'll have to do something shocking." My blood seemed to freeze to ice with these words. 

Suddenly a claw lowered down, holding a worker drone by the face. He struggled to free himself in vain. After a second, I realized it was the worker drone Uzi had...called dad the other day. 

I looked at her to see a horrified face. Sure, he had seemed to leave her at the mercy of N when he'd be bent on murdering everyone, but he was still her father. I would have worn the same face if it was my mother or father. 

"Woah-hey!" Uzi lowered her gun, trying to show she wasn't going to do anything drastic. 

Without a second though she charged towards her dad, attempting to save him. I hesitated, knowing how dangerous it would be for me to leap blindly into this kind of danger. But...but I couldn't stand by and watch as Uzi lost her dad. 

This is for you mom and dad, I thought as I charged after her.

"Goodbye, Dad." The thing grabbed his torso with a giant claw.

The worker drone cried out in agony as the monster ripped his hand from his body. Warm, sticky oil sprayed everywhere. It tossed the body side, still leaking oil all over the metal floor.

 Uzi stopped, taking in the horror I know all too well. Her dad was gone. For the moment I was too stunned to speak either. 

We love you. 

Words spoken with so much meaning. My mom's tear stained face and my father's puffy red eyes. The sky was an unnatural blood red, and people were shooting guns in the background. 

I'm pulled back into reality as I blink my eyes as hard as possible. My parents are dead. Uzi's father is dead. And we will be dead if we don't run.

But, my legs won't move. All my eyes can look at is the monster that just murdered Uzi's father. J's decapitated head leaned forward and took a bit out of his head, causing more black liquid to gush out.  

I felt sick to my stomach as Uzi took a terrified step back. Her hands were shaking, causing her grip to loosen on her gun. 

Then the creature before us launched out, throwing its tentacles at us. Time seemed to slow only for a second. All I could think was I'm gonna die. That's when a rocket appeared out of nowhere and collided with the monster.

A small explosion left my ears ringing a little and my skin feeling warmer. Uzi and I braced ourselves at the last minute as N ran up, holding his hand up as a gun.

"Uzi, shoot!" He cried, looking down at her. "Or give it to me!"

I looked at him, holding his gun hand up. I looked to Uzi, breathing hard as she looked at the thing with a newfound terror. Clearly I was useless here. Why did I even come? I'm just dead weight. 

N shot another small missal. I was easily deflected, as the creature slithered towards us again. 

"Close one. Snarl." I was too scared to even question the weird word choice. 

"Uzi, you good?" Asked as we all took a few steps back.

"No." She handed him the gun.

N reached for it, and the second it was within his grasp, his expression changed. With a malicious smile, he suddenly glitched. 

"Pranked, idiot." N was now the monster in front of us, swiping a claw at Uzi and me. Uzi took most of the blow, flying into me as we were sent a few feet back. "You big stupid." I struggled to sit up as it smashed Uzi's gun, sending green sparks everywhere.

A claw grabbed Uzi by her face, like it held her dad. Uzi grabbed at the claw, trying to free herself like her father had done. 

"Lucky for you, it's snack time. Time to go into my mouth." 

"No!" I cried, jumping for Uzi. 

N was still missing and Uzi's dad had been murder right in front of us. I was not going to let this thing kill Uzi. 

Wrapping my arms around the strange, metal arm, I dangled several feet over the ground. Struggling to hold on I swung my right foot up, landing a solid kick into the claw holding Uzi. It held on strong. 

I gasped as a tentacle wrapped itself around me, pulling me even high from the ground. I watched helplessly as the thing pulled Uzi even closer. I beat my fists against the cold, hard metal the robot was made of. 

Uzi's going to die.

Uzi's going to die.

Uzi's going to die. 

I am going to die.


Just as I've promised, I've delivered! I've been super busy with school lately, as high school goes (for those of you who know). It's been raining a lot lately (September is peak in hurricane season) so I thought it would be super chill to write a chapter. Also, a good and encouraging song that's been stuck in my head lately is Good News. Luv y'all, God bless!

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