Chapter 19 - Race for love

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6 months ago

"I gambled $500,000 in this race,”  Lorenzo excitingly informed Dhrishit after putting bet amount on app.

Dhrishit barely listened to his dad's work, focusing on the table in front of him, where a variety of helmets lay neatly arranged. 

"Dhrishit!" Lorenzo's voice had risen in urgency. "We have to win this race!"

"Dad." Dhrishit lifted the tiger printed helmet and slipped it over his head, tucking his hair inside. He adjusted the helmet’s fit, letting out a soft breath. “How much did you bet last time?”

"$90,000 I think," Lorenzo answered after a moment of thought.

Dhrishit chuckled, the sound muffled beneath the helmet. "More than that, and I won the match without breaking any sweat so why are you worrying this time? Just relax."

Dhrishit approached his father and wrapped him in a warm hug. Lorenzo, caught off guard, softened at his son’s touch, his own arms coming up to return the embrace.

As Dhrishit pulled away from the hug, the gate to the racetrack slid up, revealing a stadium packed with cheers of crowds and flashing lights.

"Oh god, the noise," he muttered to himself. To drown out the chaos, he pulled out his phone which was connected with bluetooth earphones, selecting a random bollywood music to play before shoving it into his pocket.

He dragged his custom bike to the starting line, joining other racers from different corners of the city. They cast him sideways glances which went unnoticed by Dhrishit, focusing on race track as his fingers gripped the handlebars tightly, knuckles white under his gloves, engine purring beneath.

When the signal lights blinked green, all racers launched forward in high speed, tires screeching against the asphalt as the racers shot down the straight.

The first turn came fast and hard. Dhrishit swerved effortlessly, keeping tight to the curve, his heart racing with the thrill of the speed. One rider tried to edge him out, pushing his bike dangerously close, but Dhrishit accelerated, cutting past him with a quick flick of the wrist.

"Focus, focus." He repeated the word under his breath.

Up ahead, his bike hit the ramp, feeling the change in pressure as his bike flew upwards before gravity pulled him back down, the tires kissing the track with a screech.

His eyes snapped to the mirror, showing scene behind. Two racers, locked in a fierce duel, were fighting for position when one of them misjudged a turn and collided against each other, crashing on the ground.

Dhrishit couldn’t suppress the grin that spread across his face. Such crucial moments in races were for those who could take advantages and he saw the opportunity to reach first position. But there was an obstacles, an older racer, well-known in the underground circuits. His helmet gleamed red, a bull charging through the course. Dhrishit knew him well—Jimmy, a ruthless competitor.

Their eyes met for a split second, even through the helmets, and Dhrishit could sense the challenge. Ravi gunned it, pulling slightly ahead.

"Not today, Jimmy." Dhrishit showed him the middle finger, triggering Jimmy.

Jimmy responded with a snarl and twisted the throttle even harder

He glanced at the dashboard and saw the turbo boost button. He had been saving it for just this moment—an advantage he could use to outpace his opponent. His gloved fingers brushing over the button.

He pressed it, and a low hum filled the air as the turbo boost system engaged.  The acceleration was immediate and intense, throwing him back against the seat as the bike shot forward with a ferocious burst. The turbo boost pushed him beyond his previous limits, leaving Jimmy far away.

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