04. Autumn

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It was the start of fall, and the temperature was beginning to drop. Your skin felt drier from the cold, and your lips had already started to crack. Thankfully, lip balm had always been your trusted companion during this time of year. And, of course, there was your personal heating pack: the Vice Captain of the Third Division, who just so happened to be your boyfriend.


Night had already fallen, and you were preparing for tomorrow's training. As you gathered your things, you realized you'd forgotten your water bottle somewhere. In a rush, you hurried out of your room without grabbing a jacket, eager to find it. The moment you stepped outside, the cool breeze bit into your skin, but you pushed on, thinking it would be a quick trip.

You ran through every room you had been in earlier but still couldn't find the bottle. You checked the bathing area, the canteen, the lounge, the office, and even the running field. No luck. On the verge of giving up, as you walked back to your room, you noticed the lights in the training room were still on. Curiosity piqued, you peeked inside to find none other than your boyfriend, Hoshina, training. He moved gracefully, wielding his dual blades with ease, and you couldn't tear your eyes away from him. His movements were mesmerizing—enticing, even.

You stood there in awe, your eyes sparkling as you watched, not wanting to miss a single moment. You admired how effortlessly he trained, wanting to someday stand beside him as an equal.

Hoshina soon noticed you standing by the door and paused, flashing you his signature toothy grin. "Well, hello there, darling. Enjoying the view?" he teased, his voice playful as he grabbed his jacket and approached you.

"Here, you're shivering." He draped his jacket over your shoulders. "Cover yourself up," he said, concern lacing his tone.

Only then did you realize just how cold you were—nose slightly runny, hands and nose pink from the chill. You had been so focused on finding your bottle that you hadn't noticed how freezing it was. You were only in one of Hoshina's shirts and a pair of shorts, and the cold had caught up with you.

Without thinking, you'd been anxiously biting your cracked lips, causing them to bleed. Noticing your distress, Hoshina gently asked, "What's got you so worked up that you forgot to cover yourself properly?"

You told him about losing the bottle—the one your late mother had given you. A soft "Oh," escaped his lips as he pointed toward the bottle next to his own. "Is that it?"

Relief flooded through you, and you jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. Despite your energy, Hoshina didn't stumble, instead effortlessly scooping you up with one arm. His other hand gently cupped your face.

"Love, you're biting your lips again," he said, his expression tinged with worry as he looked at your bleeding lips.

"I was just anxious. You know how much that bottle means to me," you explained to your lover

"i know (y/n), but if you keep doing this, there will be consequences." His purple eyes glinted mischievously as a smirk curled on his lips.

"What do you me—?" Before you could finish, Hoshina kissed you, gently licking the blood from your lips.

"Mmm, is that strawberry?" he teased as he pulled away, licking his own lips with a playful grin, clearly enjoying the lingering taste of your lip balm.

Blushing furiously at his teasing,you lightly smacked his arm in protest. Hoshina chuckled at your adorable reaction, effortlessly grabbing your wrists to stop your playful assault. He pressed a soft kiss on your forehead and whispered, "i love you."

"I love you too," you mumbled, avoiding eye contact as you asked to be put down.

But Hoshina refused, carrying you out of the training room and back to your own. Once there, he tucked you into bed, telling you to keep warm before he'd join you.

Fifteen minutes later, he returned, hair damp from the shower, and placed your bottle on the desk. Drying his hair with the towel draped around his neck, he looked over at you—fast asleep, cuddling his jacket. Smiling to himself, he slid into bed behind you, wrapping his arms around you as he drifted off to sleep with you safely in his embrace.

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