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i met Lea on my first day of college(granted it was more like i was awe struck and just stared until the passed, but that's not important) i was walking to the office at the time(my schedule was wrong) among the number of faceless head she was 'holy' blond hair that fell in a halo (hah!) of waves around her face and the way she carried herself that made the old sweater and white skirt look runway worthy. when our eyes momentarily met the brown of hers looked so wrong on such a perfect face, fair skin and golden hair, a body that most would die for and her most important feature was so dull?

it didn't make sense. like god wanted to make her perfect but had ran out of parts, it wasn't until the fallowing week when she was sitting in the grass with a boy that she turned her head and the way the sun fell on her face that the unassuming brown turned a golden hue, not like earth gold but like hardened honey, Amber, and a dyeing flame.
my steps faltered for a moment and i tripped the books and papers in my hands scattering to the face turned unbearably warm as i hurriedly picked up the books,

 i couldn't bring myself to look back at her knowing very well she was looking at the 'freshman who tripped over nothing';

 few people asked me if i needed help; after the third person the others simply walked past, i continuously said sorry at the ground as people went around the mess of books, journals, and papers, the books were picked up fairly quickly, as i was about to pick the last of the papers a breeze slipped it out from my fingers(and in a cringe movie fashion a handsome boy caught it before it could get to far) ''don't worry, she makes people do that. Should have seen us last year, so many heartbreaks not to mention tripping accidents.'' he put the paper into one of the books and pointed at the stack, ''need help with this?''

before i could say no he grabbed half the stack and my bag(hadn't picked it up yet) ''stay in the dorms?'' i shook my head and for the first time that morning, smiled ''it'll be a bit of a walk to my car.'' ''oh. Free day?'' i nodded as we started walking towards the parking lot ''wanted to get ahead of my French essay.'' ''Mr.Richord? gives so much homework even though he's only been teaching for three years'' i shrugged and adjusted the books.

''he's still learning, give him a break, he raised an eyebrow and looked at me for a moment, ''for three years? that has to be a record.'' i shrugged again and took out my keys to unlock the door, ''he's admirable. he struggled a lot with teachers that didn't really care for him so he's over compensating for that now. its just that most people don't stay long enough to see what he's doing.''... ''Nico? you know him?!'' i grabbed the books from his hands and placed them with the others, ''well yeah, he's my brother.''
closing the back door i got into the drivers seat closed the door and rolled down the window to stick my head out ''thanks for the help, little late but I'm-'' ''nah already know your name, be weird if i didn't''
i blinked a couple times unaware of the look of suspicion on my face. he waved his hands in a 'no,no' fashion and almost shouted in a hurry not to be seen as a creep(a little late for that) ''don't, not a creep. this school likes to put out the admission test scores and your name was the only one with a perfect score. I'm Luka by the way, a grade ahead of you. got second place.'' i nodded ''doesn't explain why you know what i look like.'' he shrugged and backed away from the car putting his hands in his pockets, ''got curious. looked you up. did you actually give up Harvard's invitation? i leaned back into the seat and sighed ''yes'' i didn't say anything after and he didn't ask anymore questions. nodding in thanks again i turned on the car and drove out of the lot the drive home was quite different from the way that i usually was, among the thoughts of study plans for the year and rough mental drafts for my essay fluttering in a rush in my head i forgot to ask him for her name.

                                                                                         DECEMBER 19

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