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Before Addie could even think about reading the message from Brent, her phone started ringing.

"Hey," she answered.

"Hey," Hunter sounded cheerful on the other end of the phone.

"I was just calling to say goodnight," she could hear the smile in his voice.

"Didn't we already do this?" She chuckled.

"Yeah but now I'm saying goodnight instead of goodbye," he laughed.

"Goodnight, Hunter. I love you," she whispered.

"Goodnight, Addie. I love you too," his voice was soft and quiet.

She hung up and went to her messages.

Brent: "I heard your little boyfriend is away on tour. Maybe we could go out sometime."

"Shit," Addie mumbled under her breath.

Addie ignored the text message and closed her eyes to go to sleep, while Hunter worried about her.

"I don't know she just sounded like something was bothering her. I mean I know I just left her to go on tour but that was like an hour ago," Hunter told Sam as they sat on the couches on the bus.

"Maybe she's just upset because you just left. I mean you've never left her for more than a week so maybe the thought of you being gone is hurting her right now," Sam told him.

"Yeah you're probably right. I just feel bad."

"I know but she knows that you have to do this. She understands. Alright I'm gonna go to bed," Sam told him before standing up and walking to the back of the bus.

"Goodnight," Hunter whispered.

Hunter knew Sam was probably right but he knew Addie and the way she was talking to him just didn't seem right. Like something was up and he was dying to figure it out because whatever it was he knew it couldn't be good.

He let it roll off his shoulders for a while and went to sleep.

"I'm coming!" Addie groaned as she rolled out of bed to get the door.

"Hey," Brent leaned against the door frame when she opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" She said grumpily.

"Dang no proper welcome?" He chuckled.

"No. Why are you here?" She asked him again.

"You didn't answer my text so I just decided to stop by."

"How do you even know where I live?" She groaned.

"Can't tell you," he whispered as he leaned in closer to her face.

She quickly ducked down away from his head, pushed him away from her, and slammed the door.

"Addie!" He screamed as she walked towards the couch

"Go away!" She yelled back.

"Fine!" He yelled before she heard him running down the steps and his car door slamming shut.

She didn't know what had gotten into her but for some reason she wasn't terrified. She always told herself and Hunter that if Brent ever came she would immediately call Hunter. But she felt like she didn't need to. She felt as if she had it all under control herself. But she wasn't saying that she didn't need Hunter. She knew she needed Hunter more than anything.

"Good morning, Mic," Addie smiled as Micah walked into the living room.

"Morning," he grinned as he climbed on the couch and laid his head on Addie's lap.

"Come on let's get you dressed. We're gonna go meet Hailey for breakfast," Addie smiled as she grabbed Micah's hand.

Hailey still lived in Lafayette but they kept in touch as much as possible, although Micah had only met her once when they visited when he was two. Hailey was in town this week to visit them.

"Wear this," Addie laughed lightly as she handed Micah a t shirt.

"Nope," he shook is head and looked through his closet.

"You're very picky Mic," she smiled and tickled his stomach.

"This," he pulled out a gray and white striped shirt and held it out to Addie.

"Perfect," she smiled as she took the shirt from his hand, helping him put it over his head.

"Alright stay right here for a minute," she put one of his toy cars in front of him before walking out and into her and Hunter's bedroom.

After Addie finished getting dressed, Hunter called her. Again.

"Good morning beautiful," he sounded cheerful as she pressed her phone to her ear.

"Good morning," she blushed, quietly praising the fact that he couldn't see her dark red cheeks.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked her.

"About to leave to meet Hailey for breakfast," she sighed.

"Oh she's in town?"

"Yeah. She got here yesterday a little while after you left," she told him.

"Oh cool. I miss you," he whispered.

"Hunter you've been gone for twelve hours," she laughed.

"Yeah? That means I can't miss you?" He sighed, a little annoyed with her.

"I didn't say that," She groaned.

"You mine as well have," he snapped at her.

"I gotta go, Hunter. Love you."

"Yeah whatever. Love you too. Bye," he groaned before hanging up.

Hunter had realized then that he almost felt bad for himself. He knew that it hadn't even been a full day yet but something deep in his gut was making him think that she wouldn't miss him in five weeks. It really hurt him to think about that. He didn't want to be selfish but he knew she had to miss him eventually. It just didn't seem right to him for her to not miss him at all. That made him feel like their relationship was back on a rocky road again.

"Alright come on Micah," Addie walked into Micah's room and grabbed his hand.

Addie opened the front door and Micah ran to his side of the car, quickly jumping in and sitting in his car seat.

"Slow down dude," Addie laughed as she walked over and buckled him up.

She shut his door after she buckled him up and walked to the drivers side, climbing in.

"Mommy when are we gonna talk to daddy?" Micah asked her as she drove.

"Uhm I don't know Mic. Maybe tonight," she gulped.

Addie knew something was different. She didn't know what she was feeling but she did know what she didn't feel. And that was trust. She had always been able to trust Hunter ever since they were kids. But something felt different. There was something about him being away for two months that made her lose her trust for him.

And not only that, but she felt like she didn't miss him. Yeah he had only left yesterday but she felt like she wouldn't miss him at all. A part of her was saying how much she loved Hunter. But the other part was saying that she didn't want to be tied down to someone when she felt like she couldn't trust him.

And that honestly tore her to pieces.

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