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"Can I go see her?" Hunter asked a nurse after he finally calmed down.

"Of course," the nurse smiled and led him to Addie's room.

He slowly opened her door and walked inside.

She was laying on the hospital bed, looking completely cold and dead.

He sat down on the side of her bed and held her hand.

"I love you, Addie. I love you so much. You don't feel that way about me but that's not gonna stop me from loving you the way I do. I need you Addie. Please," he let his tears hit her hand.

"Hunter?" Her dad entered the room.

"Hey," he looked up at him with tear filled eyes.

"How is she?" He asked him.

"They uhm. They don't know if she's gonna wake up," he broke the news to him.

"Oh. Uhm okay wow," Tom let his tears hit the floor as he sat on the other side of the bed.

"Hunter, would you like to come see Micah?" The nurse came back in the room.

"Yeah," he stood up from the bed and walked out the door, letting Tom have a moment with his basically lifeless daughter.

Tom looked down at his daughter and waited for the door to close before he spoke.

"You worthless piece of shit. Just when I thought I was finally gonna get to come back and completely mess everything up for you and your pretty little friend. And then you had to just go and," Tom was cut off by the door opening.

"Would you like to hold Micah?" Hunter walked in with his newborn son.

"I would love to," he smiled and held his arms out.

"He looks like Addie," Hunter whispered.

"Yeah. He has her smile," he let his fake tear run down his cheek.

Hunter tried to find the bright side in this.

It was really hard because the bright side had clouds over it.

He was a dad now.

And he couldn't be happier.

But he was going to be a dad on his own.

He needed Addie.

He really needed her.


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